Fifteen: Safe Distance!

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Third Person POV.

Mami and Abba were watching in their living room when she turns to her husband.
"Is it true you changed everyone's gadgets?"

He smiles "Yeah, the girls always want new phones and my sons, just like phones that work so I thought why not get them new ones. That way they'll be out of my hair"

She nods "And you bought Karima new ones too"
"Yeah, I said 'my girls' she's included".

She huffs "Why are you doing this? What's your aim?"
"To make her comfortable? Is that a good enough reason for you?"

"She's dating your son, how can you treat her like your child?" She asks getting annoyed.
"Because I wish to, and it makes me happy that they decided to give it a try"

"Have you forgotten how her father treated you?"
He huffs "She's not my brother and I know he denied her too but she has me, she has us"

"Still, I don't like her here"
"You didn't like it from the very beginning, even when everyone agreed and now too? No one else wants her to leave except you"

She shakes her head "Fadila doesn't either"
He scoffs "It's because she scolded her about how she talks to Laura, Mutassim told me about it. She's just like you"

"So you're putting that girl over your own child?"
He nods "Because she's my child as well" he stands on his feet "Look, Rabi I will tell you this just once more, don't ever bring up Karima leaving, or her relationship with Dahir. I don't want you guilt tripping my son either because you know he'll tell me. Leave them alone and don't make me repeat myself" he walks out angrily.

She didn't understand how he'd react that way for someone who wasn't even his child. But she was tired of it all.


Dahir's POV.

I was surprised when I opened my gate and saw Mami standing outside, it really shocked me.

Worst thing is she sat right next to me on my two sitter, it was seriously uncomfortable for me.

"What a surprise, I've been here for months and you're just coming to check up on me"

She smiles "No need to pretend, I know you don't want me here"

I was thankful Yemi left earlier.
He had a fight with his wife and left home. It's been a few days now and he says he's not going back so he's staying here, he always walks around with his shorts and vest for some odd reason so I'm thankful he went to get our order.

"Yeah, I can't deny"
She huffs "I don't understand how all of you came out just like your father. Especially you. But none of you could take after me? It hurts my feelings"

"Fadila took after you"
She glares at me "Out of five kids?"

"Seven actually"
She shakes her head "The other two aren't mine"

He chuckles "I forget but they're my brothers as well"
"They're your cousins"

"Mami please let's not start this"
She huffs "I can see you and Karima are still going strong after what I told you"

Now it makes sense why she's here.
"Yeah, she explained everything to me"
"She still had three abortions"

"Not to me, she was cheated"
"Even the first time?"

I nod "He's her husband"

She just stares at me "I don't want that girl for you"
"Then who?" I ask sarcastically.

"Your cousin, Samira. She has always liked you anyway"
"But I don't like her. I love someone else and you're not going to change my mind"

"I'm your mother"
"I spoke to Abba"

She stays quiet.
Abba called yesterday and told me about the conversation they had, he forbade me from doing anything that I didn't want to.

"I'm your mother"
I clasp her hand "And I love you so much but I'm tired of letting you make all my life decisions. I'm a man now and I can't live with someone I don't love. It's not advisable for me neither is it for her"

She nods "I'll go now but she's still coming anyway and this won't be the end of it, you can believe that".


Yemi bursts out laughing.
"So you're telling me, you've been all lovey dovey with the same girl you hated? As in the same Karima? Muhammed's ex-wife? Really?"

I nod smiling sheepishly.
"Wow. Dahir you never cease to amaze me. Really fah".

"I won't lie to you I still don't understand how it happened, it still baffles me but I really do love her. She's strong despite everything and she's funny and sweet and nice and smart—"
"—and inlove"

I chuckle.
"But I am really happy for you. You deserve it and so does she. Does Muhammed know?"

"We haven't spoken in a while, we've been too busy with work and I ignore him anyway"
He nods "It's understandable but he'll flip since he never actually stopped loving her, she couldn't stay"

I nod.
"At least we both have something to celebrate"

So Yemi officially decided to get divorced from his wife. He wants to go see his parents tomorrow. They've only been married 6months but he can't stand her anymore. Apparently she's dirty.

And unfortunately for her she married someone with OCD, yeah and because I'm a clean freak living together hasn't been so difficult.

"Bro, I used to dread going home. She doesn't take her bath sometimes, the house is always messed up, she's always looking disorganized. She wasn't the woman she claimed to be, I love her but my sanity comes first"

I stand "I understand you but it's 10pm, let's go and find a decent tea joint"

He nods "That's the most exciting thing you've said all day"


"No, why?"
My heart just broke into a hundred tiny pieces.
My love, the love of my life and my soul is leaving for Kano.

"Come on Dahir, it's just for two weeks. Plus, I have to make it back for Laura's wedding seeing as it's in 18days"

I nod "I can't deny that it's going to be boring"
She holds my hands "I know and I'll miss you a lot"

"What are you going to do there anyway?"
"Baba is sick and he's going there to see a doctor, Malik is going and I want to be present as well"

"Ooh, if it's my father in law then I cannot complain. You should go"

She chuckles.

"You've made this place your spot"
Mutassim says joining us, sitting across she and I.

"I have to admit, it's sooo sweet looking at you two here every night being in love and all but I'm tired of being oppressed. Karima, hook me up with your friend"

He nods "Yeah, so I'll also start coming here and choking her with sweet words"

I'll be honest, I love the fact that she gets along with all my siblings, my dad too but unfortunately my mother is going to be an issue, I have a feeling things will get messy soon but I'm marrying this girl, I don't care what she says or wants I won't lose the girl I love and I definitely am not ever going to break her heart.

"Where did you drift off to?" Mutassim asks sipping his tea.

I tilt my head "Isn't that Abba's mango tea?"
He smiles suspiciously "Let's pretend you didn't see it"

I nod "Did you stash it in your room?"
He hesitates "Why?"

We stared at each other for a while before he nods "Yes I did"
"I need half of it and we never speak of it, deal?"

"Let's go share it?" He says walking out of the gazebo.
I nod.

I turn to Karima who just stared at us with a smile on her face "Goodnight baby" I give her a kiss on her cheek and follow him "Dream of me" I shout increasing my pace when I see him start running.


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