Sixteen: Family And Love!

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I'm a bit sad because Karima traveled this morning so I didn't bother going home. I don't think I'd go there for a while.

Don't get me wrong I love spending time with my siblings and making memories and being surrounded with their laughter and readings and pranks and their love and presences, what's life without my beautiful family but it's been 30years already, enough of enjoying all that, I should start thinking of making mine. Plus I hate pranks, their childish and infuriating but it's funny when it happens to someone else.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up.

"Hello, Mami?"
"How's my handsome child doing this morning?"

"I'm good, I guess"
"You guess? What's wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"Just a work thing" I lie.
"Well, I know what's going to make you feel better. I ask Fatima (the cook) to make pounded yam and eforiro today, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss that"

I nod and stop when I realize she can't see me "That sounds perfect, can you tell them to prepare some for Yemi and I, I'll also like to have it for dinner"

"Both lunch and dinner that's fine but can you please do your mother one favor"
"Yes, anything"

"I need you to pick up someone at the train station"
"Okay, who is it?"

"Why are you asking?"
"So I can know who I'm looking for"

She laughs "Don't worry, just get yourself there"
I huff "Mami, what are you planning?"

"Nothing, I'll see you when you get there".


I was wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and slides. It's a public holiday, I don't need to go all out.

I sit, using my phone.
Whoever it is I'm picking will eventually call Mami after waiting so I don't need to bother myself looking around.

I huff.
But why would she ask me to get the person.
Technically speaking there are 9people, including she and Abba that can drive at home and it's a lot closer to the train station than my house so why would she ask me to come instead?

I huff.
Mami is always planning something and I have a feeling it's going to be bad for me.

I raise my head and huff the third time.
I know my mother a little too well, it doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Samira" I say getting to my feet.
She smiles from ear to ear, I'll admit she has a beautiful smile but what Mami is thinking won't happen.

"You're looking good, I see you've been working out"
I nod "Yes, trying to stay in good shape"

I collect her suitcase and lead her down the stairs.
"How's work and everyone at home?"

"As you can imagine work hasn't been kind and everyone is spectacular, you'll see when you get there"


We talked a bit in the car but I kept it simple. I don't want her thinking I'm into the conversation because I really am not.

Fadila squeaks when she sees her. The other people in the room just looked at me then back at her.

They slowly come stand beside me.
"What's going on here?" Laura asks in a hush tone.

"Our mother happened"
"Just when Karima leaves?" Mutassim asks in a whisper.

"Oooh" they say in unison.

"Laura" Samira says when's he turns back.
"Samira" Laura hugs her.

"Ya Mutassim, it's good to see you too"
"Ya Mutassim?" He looks at me confusedly "What's going on here?"

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