Five: We're Similar!

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It's been a month now.
I've gotten used to some of Muhammed's behaviors.

Drinking, going to clubs, coming home in the morning, messing up the house.
I think something is going on with him, could it be depression?

I read an article on the internet, it said that it could be depression. But why?

He was seated in the living room staring at the blank tv screen. I walk over and sit next to him, resting my head on his chest. He puts his arms around me, playing with my sleeve.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a hushed tone.
He nods.

"Are you sure?"
He nods.

"You've not been acting like yourself"
"I know"

"I'm getting worried"
He kisses my forehead "I know you are and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you"

I nod "Then why do you do it?"
He stays quiet.

"Will you be okay?"
"As long as you're by my side I'll be okay, I promise you"

"But you hurt me, you say the harshest things and you ignore me"
He nods.

"You haven't touched me since our wedding night"
He tenses up.

He shakes his head "I'm just not doing so well"
"But you say you're fine"

"I am and enough with the questions"
"I'm allowed to worry, you're my husband"

He nods "Anty is coming for the weekend"
Anty is his step mother, his father married her when he was 12years.

I nod "Okay" I get up.
"Where are you going? Let's cuddle more, it calms me"

"That's nice but it makes me feel worse" I walk away.


"Noooo!!" I shout.

Mutassim and Jafar laugh at me.
"What's going on here?" Farouq asks still wearing his school uniform.

"No" I cry out again.
"What's with the screams?" Abubakar asks walking in.

"My NYSC, I'll be teaching"
He bursts out laughing, the other three joining him.
I flop on the couch.
"It won't be that bad" Farouq teases me.

"Really?" Jafar asks.
"Yeah, what's wrong with teaching a few students?" He asks mocking me.

"Well, she'll be teaching in your school"
His mouth drops "Wait, what?"
I smile "Yeah, at least I get to fulfill Mami's dream of keeping an eye on you"

He leans on the wall "I'm ruined"
"Honestly I like the idea, you've been flunking school lately" Mutassim says.

"Please be the cool older sister" he begs.
I shake my head "Nah, I don't think so"

"I'm ruined" he walks out.
I lean on the kitchen counter.
"Don't worry too much about it, okay? Everything will work out perfectly well. Isn't it just for a term?"

"Then you're lucky, Malik must know someone on the inside" Jafar says "Maybe he can help me with my girl".

"That's the only thing you care about, women. That's why you're not working" Abubakar says annoyed.

"What did he do now?" Mutassim asks.
"He has been calling in sick just to sit home and sleep"

"Are you stupid?" He asks his younger brother.
Things got intense quickly, I took it as a sign to excuse myself.

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