Nine: Fixed!

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I love it when we all gather, whether to have conversations, watch or even argue. Maybe because I've never done it. Dahir never joined us, he was always working in his room.

But today he had to stay here because he had to work out some things with Abba. So immediately they finished up he joined us in the living room.

"You have to be joking, it wasn't that I had intentionally done it" Laura defends herself.

"Are you serious? You were a snitch" Fadila says laughing.
"Laura? A snitch?" I ask.

She nods "She snitched on everyone, every single one of us"
The guys just stared at us.
"There was a time she snitched on Ya Jaafar and I for breaking Mami's flower pot"

Laura shakes her head "No, that never happened, I can't remember that"

"It happened" Jaafar says.
I couldn't help but laugh, Laura? A snitch?
"Well—" Abubakar starts "I'm bringing my girlfriend over next week inshallah"

They all gasp, looking at him like he committed murder.
I was confused.

"You? You're bringing your girlfriend over?" Bashir asks.
He nods.
"When did you start dating?" Dahir asks looking just as confused as everyone else.

Abubakar hisses "What do you take me for? Am I not a man? Can't I have a girlfriend? Where you expecting me to marry a man?"
"No but—" Mutassim trails off "You never talked about any girl, never. Not once"

"Well, now I'm bringing her or can't I?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

Fadila smiles "She's welcome, we can't wait to meet her"
"Oooh we're all curious" Bashir jokes "To see what type of woman tickles your fancy"

He rolls his eyes "You'll all be mind blown".


I was seated in Mami's living room. We're going out with Jaafar and Fadila so I'm waiting for her to finish getting dressed.

Farouq comes in smiling from ear to ear.
"What do you want?"
He chuckles "What makes you think I want something?"
"So there's nothing"

"Well—there is"
"Okay, I'm listening"

"I want relationship advice"
I roll my eyes "I won't help you trap any other girl"

He shakes his head "It's Muneerah"
"The one in SS1 D? I'm not helping you, she's a nice girl"

"I'm not going to play her, I sincerely have feelings for her wallahi. I've liked her for a while and I've finally decided to make my move"

I smile "So you came to me? For relationship advice? It hasn't even been a year since I got divorced and you're coming to me? You have 5brothers and 2sisters that are in relationships and you're coming to me?" I ask genuinely. It honestly made no sense, it's not like I have a record of making my marriage work.

"Yeah but Ya Dahir has never been the type to discuss relationships with me and he hasn't been in one since Habiba. Mutassim, Jaafar and Bashir probably can't remember the last time they were in a stable relationship with girls they genuinely like. Abubakar, well until I meet his girlfriend I'm not sure I can trust what he says will work. Laura is out of it, she only cares about a guy's physical appearance and Fadila is a sadist, I wonder who actually dates her. Plus you're married, there has to be things that made you happy, things he did"

"But if it's not something you want to talk about then it's fine, I know it's a delicate issue for you"
I shake my head "The more I treat it delicately the more it will hurt but I can give you two tips".

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