Eighteen: Surprise!

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Dahir's POV.

My mouth drops.
"Yemi, what do you think you're doing?"

"What?" He asks confused "I'm cooking"
"Why are you cooking like that?"

He stares at me "What?!"

The man was standing in the middle of the kitchen wearing shorts, an apron and cap. I know you're thinking there's nothing to it but it looked weird.

When I came in he was stirring something in the pot, it looked abnormal.

"You look like a woman"
He bursts out laughing "With all this muscles?"

I nod "Yeah, exactly why. It looks like you have breasts"

He laughs louder "You like?"
I scrunch my face "I don't think I'll be eating"

He laughs louder "Come on" he says putting his hands on his waist.
"I'm going to go freshen up, I can't look anymore"

I turn around to leave.
"Hurry dear, the food is getting cold" he teases me.

"God" I groan "The freaks I'm surrounded with".

I called Karima immediately I entered my room.

"Hey baby"
"Hey, how're you doing?"

"I'm okay, you good? You sound tired"
She huffs "Yeah I am but just a little. I've been up all day"

"Sorry, you're still at the hospital?"
"Nah I'm on my way back. I miss Malik already"

"He's not there?"
"He traveled back early Friday morning"

"I didn't know, I'll go see him later. But are you sure you're good?"
"Not really, I miss you bad"

I smile "I could come see you this weekend"
She giggles "How great would that be? But that's not necessary. I'll be back on Monday"

"Is there a chance you mean today?"
She laughs "How I wish but the next"

Muhammed's call comes in.
"Babe can I call you back?"

"I love you"
"Love you even more".

I answer his call.
"You're needed back here ASAP"

I groan.


I had promised myself I wouldn't be going home until my girlfriend gets back but I decided against it when Abba called.

He said he just wanted to have dinner with us all though it was a shame Karima wasn't present.

Right after praying Isha he asked Mutassim, Abubakar and I to stay back.

He always loved sitting in the mosque after praying so today he asked us to sit with him. No words were exchanged, we just sat there in silence but it was peaceful.

After over thirty minutes he clears his throat before he speaks up "I know you all had other things to do but sitting here is peaceful or don't you think so?"

"We do" we say in unison.
"You should do this more often, it would be even better when you recite one or two surah's as you do, you'd feel at ease"

"We will inshallah"
He nods "You can go in"

Abubakar and Mutassim walk out.
I stayed, I wanted to talk to him.

"What is it?"
I tilt my head "Are you okay? You don't look well. Perhaps should we go see you the family doctor tomorrow? Or he could come himself".

He smiles and shakes his head "I'm fine, nothing a little sleep can't fix"

"No, this doesn't seem like it. Hasn't Mami told you? It's hard to miss"
"She's busy"

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