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TW// cussing, car crash, brief mentions of abuse, being drunk

3rd person POV
November 26th, 2021

Y/N was watching a Ranboo stream while their parents were fighting downstairs. Ranboo was finishing up the stream and saying his goodbyes. "I'll see you all in the next one." Ranboo said in a serious-ish tone. He then pulled down his sunglasses revealing his eyes. Y/N was doing all they could to not squeal. "Buh-bye!" Ranboo said, and the stream ended.

Y/N was rolling on their bed with a happiness they couldn't describe. It was a mixture of them being proud of Ranboo, and a mixture of 'oh my fucking god he is so pretty but not in a romantic way!'.

Y/N then noticed that the yelling downstairs had stopped, so they decided to go check on their mom.

"Mom?" Y/N spoke as they walked into the kitchen. They saw their mother sitting on the kitchen floor crying with her head between her knees. "Mama?" Y/N repeated. Their mom looked up and wiped her eyes. "Hey, hunny! What's wrong?" Their mom asked as she stood up from the ground. "Are...are you ok?" Y/N asked. "Yeah! I'm ok! Don't you worry about me."

"Was it dad again?"


"It...yeah..." Their mom said. "Sorry." "Nothing to be sorry for."

It was silent for a bit before the two heard a door slam open and Y/N's dads voice.

"Both of you. In the car, now." He said. Y/N and their mother looked worryingly at each other. It was obvious their dad was drunk. "Did I stutter?" Their dad asked. "No, sir." Y/N said.

Time skip

Y/N was in the back of their family's car, and their mother and father were in the front. Their dad was driving which made Y/N and their mom nervous since he was drunk. Suddenly, their dad stepped on the gas pedal and the car started going faster, and faster, and faster.

"Tim...Tim! Slow down, Tim!" Their mom said. "Tim what the hell are you doing?! We're on the highway!" She yelled. "D-Dad?! Dad please stop!" Y/N stared to cry. They were scared.

Them just like that, everything was quiet. There was a slight ringing in Y/N's ears. They felt numb. They felt cold. They heard people yelling.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" A lady's voice yelled. Y/N tried to reply, but all that came out was a choked cough. "Hey! There is someone alive in there!" The same lady yelled.

Then Y/N blacked out.

Words: 435

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