𝙰 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙

764 31 44

TW// cussing, strong talk of abuse, abuse, slight mention of self harm


It's been two weeks since these monsters started 'fostering' me. Out of the 28 other homes I've been to, this is actually the first one that was physically abusive. The others were either emotionally abusive, or just rude.

I can't keep track of how many beer bottles have been smashed over my head, or how many times I've gotten a blow to the stomach, or a black eye.

But most importantly, how may times I've had to manually relocate my shoulder into place after getting it knocked dislocated from one of them.

Yeah, that hurt.

My eyes had adjusted to the dark closet, and I could make out different things in the room. Like a cardboard box, some markers, tape, and a pair of scissors. It doesn't matter what I've used those scissors for a few times in the last two weeks.

Today however, I used the scissors to cut out a little crown in the cardboard box. I colored it with the markers (though I'm sure the colors aren't entirely correct), and taped it onto the top of my stuffed pigs head.

I pushed my plush into the corner when I heard the closet door being unlocked. They don't know I have it, and I don't want them to take it away.

"Be quiet." The man monster held his finger over his mouth. I saw he had a wet rag in his hand. "There's someone here. I gotta clean your face up a bit before they see you." He said. He stooped down and I flinched back.

He stared to wipe I guess blood and dirt off my me.

He then handed me my crutches for the first time in two weeks. I was very relieved that they weren't broke.

"Come on." He said.

He led me into the makeshift living room and I saw two police officers and Maizey. Am I being saved from this hell?

I then noticed that one officer was actually Officer Phuck from a few weeks ago when I went on my walk. I didn't know the other one though.

"Good evening. You must be Y/N I'm assuming?" Officer Phuck sarcastically asked. I smiled l and nodded. "Please come sit." He said. I gave Maizey a little smile as I passed her.

"We've gotten calls from your neighbors saying they frequently heard lots of yelling, fighting, screaming, and stuff." Officer Phuck said. "And since your fostering, I had to bring a social worker with me." He added. "Wanna tell me what that's about?"

"Well we-" Monster man started to say, but Officer Phuck cut him off. "I was uh, talking to Y/N." He said. Monster man and his monster wife gave me a look.

"Uhm...we like to play fight a lot, so...that's what that is." I lied. "Is that so?" He asked. I nodded. "So nothing I should know about is going on?" He asked. "Nope! All good!" I said.

I then started to motion downwards to my hand with my eyes. Officer Phuck, the other cop, and Maizey glanced down. I did that sign that you do with your hand when you need help. The one where you tuck your thumb under the rest of your fingers and fold them down.

Talking about this:

They glanced up at me and I gave them a hopeful look

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They glanced up at me and I gave them a hopeful look. Officer Phuck nodded like he understood.

"May we speak with Y/N in private for a moment?" He asked. Monster man nodded hesitantly, and Maizey and Officer Phuck and the other brought me over into the hallway.

"What going on? What are they doing?" He asked. I let a few tears roll down my face. I felt arms wrapped around me and I flinched away severely. Turns out it was just Maizey. "Sorry...I think that answers your question though, Officer." She said.

I nodded.

"They've u-uhm...b-broke bottles on my head...they've h-it me a lot...and they've d-dislo-cated my s-houlder a few times..." My voice shook. I watched Officer Phuck reach back and pull out his handcuffs. "And they've had me locked I'm a closet for about 95% of the time I've been here." I added.

"Where?" The other unknown cop asked. I pointed to the closet door about five feet from us. He nodded.

"Time to arrest these sons of bitches." Officer Phuck said.

Time skip

The two took the monsters away and Maizey helped me get my stuff and I got in her car to go back to the orphanage.

I know saw what the colors on my pigs crown was. The base that was supposed to be yellow was tan, the gems that were supposed to be red were blue, and the gems that were supposed to be green were purple. Oh well.

Maizey's POV

When we got back, Y/N ran straight up to their room. I saw James and his two friends start pointing at Y/N and whispering and laughing. I have had enough of their shit. I walked over the three of them.

"James, boys." I said. "Yes, Ms Maizey?" James cooed. I stooped down to his level. "I do not want you being mean, hitting, or doing anything to Y/N. You hear me?" I asked. He looked at me with a confused face. I sighed.

"The house Y/N just got out of, they didn't kick Y/N out. We had to take them out because the foster parents were being abusive. Y/N has been beat. They have been locked in a closet. They have gotten their damn shoulder fucking dislocated more than once!" I said.

James looked almost...sorry.

"If I see or hear of any of you harassing Y/N, I will inform the authorities and you will be put in Juvie and be charged with multiple charges of assault. Do not test me!" I warned. James nodded and stared at the floor. "Yes, Ms Maizey." He said. "Good."


I got back about an hour ago, and I've just been sitting in my bed the whole time doing nothing.

Knock knock

"What." I said. The door creaked open and I saw James.

But the looked kind of ..sympathetic?

"Hey, Y/N." He said. "Hi..?" I replied. "I just wanna say sorry." "You...what?" I was confused. "I'm sorry about everything I've done to you." "Ok, who are you and what have you done with James?" I sarcastically laughed. He lightly chuckled.

"I heard what happened at the home you just left. I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's..ok." I said. "But...where did this come from? The sudden apology." I asked. "I just...I feel like a dick. All I've ever done to you is be mean and you've never done anything to me to deserve that." He said.

"And I guess you're right." He added. "Hm?" "When those two men were here and I was being rude in front of them." He said. "You told me, quote; 'I'm that you're so insecure that you have to take everything out on other people to make you feel better about your sad, sorry life'. You're right." He quoted me.

"I don't even like being friends with Johnny and Bill! They're rude! I don't like being a bully."

"Then...why were you being mean a few weeks ago at the park?" I asked. "Because they were there and they made me. They were off hiding behind a tree and when I left you and your family to go back to them they had left." "Oh...I'm sorry." I said. "Don't be."

It was quiet for a bit.

"So...truce?" James asked. I smiled. "Truce."

Words: 1,300

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