𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐-𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

783 31 27

TW// talk of death, sappy stuff


We were all sitting in the living room talking. Clay had gotten me some ice to put on my shoulder, which I was grateful for even though it didn't do much. It just reminded me of the time a broke my nose with a volleyball in gym once at school and the nurse just gave me an ice pack, claimed I was ok, and sent me back to class.

Yeah, she got fired.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my pig plush with its makeshift, miss-colored crown taped to its head, and held it in my lap. I wasn't thinking of how I assumed these people were fans too since the hoodie was upstairs.

Wilbur noticed it first. He seemed...confused?

"Uhm...nice miss-colored crown." He said, getting everyone's attention. When they noticed he was taking to me, they looked over at me, then noticing my pig too. They also looked confused. "I couldn't see the colors of the markers since it was really dark, but it's alright I guess." I sighed.

"What uhm...gave you the idea to give it a crown?" Wilbur asked.

"Well..." I started. "I found a piece of uhm...Technoblade merch...in my closet..." I said. They all looked at me with weird expressions. "When I saw it, it jogged an old memory of him. I used to watch him before I got sent to the orphanage. I completely forgot all of the peoples names that I watched. I can't remember what they looked like either. All I remember is I really liked the Dream SMP."

It was strangely quiet, so I kept talking.

"I did read the death date on it though. I got on the computer and watched the video that broke the news. It's really sad. I feel bad for his friends and family. I can't imagine how the feel. He was a great guy." I sighed.

"I'm assuming you guys liked to watch him too since you have his merch?" I asked.

Suddenly, Phil stood up and began to talk away. He looked like he had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I just- I need a minute." He said, and left towards the kitchen.

"Did...Did I say something wrong..?" I asked. "N-No...not exactly..." Clay said. "Y/N...I think it's about time we tell you something." Nikki said.

Time skip

"Wait- wait- wait- wait- wait-!" I said. "This is- Is this real life? You're fucking messing with me. Right? You're just joking?" I asked. Nobody said anything. "You're not joking." "No, we're not joking." Clay said. "S-So...what are your online names? So I can try and know exactly who each of you are."

"I'm Dream."




"Still Ranboo."

"Wilbur Soot."



"Still Karl, but Karl Jacobs."


They all 'introduced' themselves.

"And Phil in there is Philza." Clay?...Or...Dream?...said?

"This all makes so much more sense now." I said. "The familiar names, faces, everything..." I was still kind of trying to wrap my head around it all. I sat there for a minute in silence, collecting my thoughts. I then cleared throat, now knowing what I wanted my next sentence to be.

"I'm not going to look at you guys any differently. I'm still going to see you as my family and friends. Not just some popular streamers who just-so-happened to adopt me." I said. They all seemed very relieved. "God, I was afraid you were gonna act completely different now." George sighed in relief.

"I would never! I loved you like family before I knew, and I'll continue to love you like that same family I did before as well. An did you don't mind, can I keep calling you by your real names? I feel like it'll be weird if I don't."

"Thank you. And yeah, I didn't care if you call me 'Clay'. How about you guys?" Clay asked. "Nah, I don't mind." Nikki said. Everyone agreed.

"Now, I should probably go apologize to Phil." I said. Before anyone could reply, I got up, and headed towards the kitchen.

"Phil?" I asked when I walked in. I saw him sitting on the ground with his back against the cabinets. His face was slightly red. "Hey. Sorry about that, Y/N..." He said. "No, don't be. It's my fault. I didn't know." I said. "Didn't know?" He questioned. "Yeah...they told be about all. I still love you all the same though." I said.

"Thank you, Y/N." Phil smiled.

I went over and hugged him, and he hugged me back.

Words: 780

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