𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚜

805 34 27

TW// cussing, police, calling police, crying, cute sappy shit,


I'm not too sure how long I was walking. Probably around fifteen minutes. I figured I should start to head back in a minute. I made sure to keep track of which directions to go. I decided to keep waking for another few minutes.

Suddenly, a car drove by and splashed water on me.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself. "These damn rainy roads." I sighed. I wasn't too wet. It was just a small puddle that the car ran over. However, my cast was drenched in water. The black sharpie ink was running down it. It looked kind of cool like that to be honest.

I started to worry that my cast being wet was a bad thing. Apparently it was kind of bad. My leg under the cast started itching a lot. It was annoying as shit. I stopped trying to scratch it. The less I scratch, the more I'll just forget about it.

I spotted a police car, but didn't think anything of it. They seemed to be patrolling. I continued my walk. That is, until the car pulled up beside of me and rolled down its window.

"Can I help you, Officer?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible. "What're you doing out here, youngin?" He asked in a strong country accent. "Just taking a walk?" I replied. "Your name don't happen to me Y/N *last name*, does it?" "Uhm...it is. That's me."

He got out of his car and walked around in front of me. I started getting nervous.

"You've got a nice little group of people lookin' for ya. Your foster parents are worried." He said in his country accent. "I-I'm just taking a walk." I said. "Did you care to tell them before you left?" He asked. "Well...no...they told me not to go out in the rain. Just to stay on the porch."

He sighed.

"Well." He clapped his hands together. "Hop in. I gotta take you home now." He said. I nodded, and climbed in the passenger side of the police car.

He got in, and started driving in the direction I was coming from.

"I'm Officer Phuck by they way. Yes, you can laugh. It's P-H-U-C-K though. Not F-U-C-K." He said. I giggled.

A few minutes went by before I finally spoke.

"How did you know to look for me?" I asked. "Did they call?"

"Yup. Your poor ol' British dad was about crying. He's worried sick. Your other dad, the American, was just flippin' out and yelling over the phone." Officer Phuck chuckled.


I didn't realize they actually cared that much for me.

"That pretty cool to be honest. Havin' two dads? I'd like to have two dads." Officer Phuck said. "O-Oh! You're ok with that?" I asked. "Yup! They're love life isn't affecting my life so I don't see why to look down on them or disrespect them." He said. I nodded.

From his accent I guess I just kind of assumed he was some county, football loving, homophobic, white republican dude. Kind of stereotypical of me. My bad.

Only now did I notice the rain stopped, and we had pulled into the subdivision and was approaching the house. I sunk down in my seat. I didn't want to see them. What if they're mad at me?

"Alright. Come on." Officer Phuck said as he opened his car door and got out, so I did the same. He walked me to the front door and knocked three times. "Orlando Police Department! I have your kid!" He yelled through the door.

I heard the sound of running and then the front door flew open.

George's POV

"W-Where could they have gone? Did someone take them? How do we find them?!" I asked as I paced back and forth in the living room. "George, calm down. I think we just need to call the police, and get them looking for Y/N." Nikki said.

"I can't just calm down! My child is missing! They're probably cold, and wet, and scared! Who knows where they are! They-" Nikki cut me off by putting her hands on my shoulders and making me face her. "Y/N will be ok. Y/N is strong. Please, calm down. Let's just call the police." She said. "O-Ok...sorry..." I said. Nikki gave me a hug.

This is how the conversation with the police and Clay went:

"Orlando Police Department, this is Pam." A lady said. "U-Uhm, my kid is missing." Clay said. "How old are they?" "Fifteen." "Ok, and when was the last time you saw them and what are they wearing?" The lady asked. "About ten minutes ago? They're wearing a black hoodie, white sweatpants, they have a bright green cast on their leg, and they have crutches."

"Mk...what's their name?" She asked. "Y/N...Y/N *last name*." Clay said. "It's says here that they are being fostered, correct?" "Mhm. I'm their...one of their foster dads."

"Alright, we'll send some people out to look for them, ok, hon?" The lady said. "Thank you." "Just doing my job." You could hear the lady's sympathetic smile.

Now it was just a waiting game. Who knows how long we would have to wait.

Time skip

It was silent in the house for a long time. Nobody had anything to say.

Knock knock knock

I jumped from the sudden bangs on the front door. "Orlando Police Department! I have your kid!" A male voice yelled. I shot up from my seat and ran to the door.

Upon opening it, there stood a man in police uniform next to Y/N who was pretty damp. They nervously waved at me. "H-Hey..." Y/N said. The officer nudged Y/N into the house.

"Have a good day." He said, and left.

Once the door closed, I knelt over and pulled them into a huge hug. I could hear people approaching from behind me but I didn't care.


"Don't you ever do that again! Do you understand me? You had me worried sick!" George squeezed me. "I thought I lost you..!" I think he was crying. This made me cry.

I let out a choked sob and wrapped my arms around his neck and my crutches fell down with a loud, hard bang.

"I-I'm so sor-ry!" I cried. My body heaved with every sob. George and I were both on our knees in the floor. The position kid of hurt my leg, but I didn't care at the moment.

Clay came over and hugged us both. I didn't see him, but I could tell it was him by the way he hugged me. His hugs just felt different. In a good way, of course.

"I-I was just taking a wa-lk! I didn't mean to s-care you! I'll n-never do it again! I pro-mise!" I cried.

We stayed like that in the floor for a while until my leg fell asleep and I had to get up.

Words: 1,200

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