I have returned for good!

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I am sorry I have been absent forever, but life has been hectic. (I've been going to classes and graduated, working like over 40 hours a week on top of that, moved into a new place; which took like a whole ass month to do...., and my computer legit stopped working out of nowhere and I just got it fixed like a week ago}

But besides all that I will be continuing the story indefinitely!

There are a few things I would like to address before I post the next chapters.

I'm going to be address some negative comments I've been getting, cause some of them are getting repetitive.

1. Pauly and Vi's relationship is basically based off of the 2 year relationship I've have with my partner which has been the best relationship I've ever been in.... so if you don't think they act like a couple welllll I'm just moved in with my partner and we act just like them soooooo

2. You do not have to ask to use another person to based Vi off of. And I know she looks young, but so do I. I legit get people saying I look like I'm in middle  school when I'm legit in my 20s. Anywho, I like the person I'm using to portray Vi and if you don't then you can use someone else.

3. This is a Jersey Shore fanfiction not a PaulyxVi love story. I'm sorry that not every chapter is solely focused on Pauly and Vi, but that was not my intention when making this story. I made this story for a Jersey Shore story including Vi, not a Vi and Pauly love story including Jersey Shore.

Anyways I hope you guys are still with me and enjoy the rest of the series! I don't have a set schedule for when the chapters will come out, but I am not going to stop writing!

If you want me to do the reunion episode at the end of this season please leave a comment here!! 

I love you all and have a great day! 

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