S3 Ep 1: Back To The Shore

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{Mike "The Situation": So now it's time for us to shoot back up to Jersey because it's summer time in Jersey. It's gonna be an unbelievable year, and it's gonna be pretty cool.}

{Nicole "Snooki": Wahh! I'm so excited to be back at the Jersey shore house!}

Nicole is going through her stuff as she packs as she exclaims, "Whoo! I'm so excited to go to the Jersey shore! Oh, yeah!" After throwing some items in her bag she heads into the bathroom to do her signature poof. She says, "I cannot wait to go to the f**king Jersey shore! Seaside is definitely more my scene with the guys." She finishes her hair before taking her spray tan spraying some on her face and cleavage.

{Nicole "Snooki": I'm so excited to get back into my house, pop some bottles, and hook up with my roommates.}

Nicole is struggling to put on her shoes when she exclaims, "Is this the wrong heel?!" She then tripped falling into the door laughing her ass off. She finally got her heels on before checking her outfit in the mirror, "I look like a hooker. Sick." She got everything packed and grabbed a few bags and her crocodile stuffed animal before dragging everything outside. Nicole laughed, "F**k my life! I should not be wearing hooker boots." She got everything packed into her car before pulling out of her driveway. All of a sudden her car just stopped before she burst out laughing. Nicole shouted, "No! I stalled!" After she got her car fixed she finally was on her way. She states, "Hopefully I make it to the shore!" Nicole tells the camera as she drives, "You know what? Angelina, she's done. I kicked her ass out in Miami, and I just need another party girl, so I invited my girl Deena. The roommates don't know that I'm doing this."

{Nicole "Snooki": Deena is like another Snooki. She loves to party. She loves to be loud and obnoxious. She doesn't give a f**k about what anybody thinks. Hello. That's me.}

Nicole calls Deena saying, "I'm almost at your house, bitch! Be excited." "Oh, I'm so excited!" Deena exclaimed. Nicole finished up her call and finally made to Deena's house. She honks the horn a few times before exclaiming, "Bitch!" Deena exited the house as Nicole got out of her car to give her a hug. "I missed you!" Deena exclaimed.

{Deena: Me and Nicole are really close and as soon as I met her, it was like... *sings* aaahhh!.... It was, like, love at first sight. We started calling each other all the time. We hung out. We'd go to clubs. You know, go guy shopping. So that's why, like, when she called and she invited me down. I was, like, thank god.}

They both say goodbye to Deena's parents before heading off to Seaside. As they drove Deena exclaims, "I'm so excited! I can't wait." "I'm gonna tell you a little inside scoop about the roommates. Vi acts just like us, so you're gonna love her! Jenni, you're gonna love Jenni, 'cause I love Jenni. We are going to be the four besties."

In Long Island Jenni is trying to drag down her suitcases when she calls out, "Tom?" "Yeah." He shouts. Jenni asked, "Can you help me with my bags?" "Sure." He said walking over before grabbing a few bags taking them outside with Jenni. He starts shoving them in the trunk when Jenni says, "Oh, don't break the new thing we just bought." "I bought." Tom said as Jenni rolled her eyes.

They went back inside and Jenni looked around double checking everything. When she made sure she had everything she gives Tom a hug saying, "I'll call you when I get there tonight." "Alright, good." Tom answered before the dogs barked. Jenni shouts, "Shut up!" She gave her dogs hugs and kisses before getting into her car heading to the Jersey shore.

{Jenni "Jwoww": Me and Tom definitely need a break from each other. We've been getting into, like, some serious fights lately. I have been really excited to go to Jersey away from my Long Island problem. Like, Long Island problems being Tom.}

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