S3 Ep 13: At The End Of The Day

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"F**k this bitch. Biggest liar I've ever met in my life." Ronnie sneers, rushing towards the back door. He slid it open hard, stepping out, exclaiming, "How many times did you hook with Arvin? How many times did you sleep with him? Tell me the truth, cause he's on the phone right now, and he told me that you guys hook-" He saw that Sammi was getting up to go inside, so he shut it down, "No, no, no. You're gonna let them h- You're gonna let them finish the conversation." "Let me go on the-" Sammi began to say when Ronnie went to stop her. She pulled her arm back, fuming, "Don't touch me!" "You're gonna let them finish their conversation! No, cause you got busted." Ronnie exclaims, not letting her pass him. Back inside Mike is still talking to Arvin, "There's a- there's a situation right now." They both laughed before Mike continued, "And you know what? This is- this is big news, dog."

{Ronnie: I want to get down to it. I want to get down to the root and see what's really going on.}

Ronnie eventually let Sammi enter the house as they both head to Mike while the other roomies get started on dinner and listen to the whole situation. Mike handed over the phone to Sammi, "Hello? Arvin? Why are you causing problems, saying I made out with you?" "Well, not last night." Arvin states when Sam exclaimed, "No, Arvin. It was never like that." "I just got the phone with him and he told me, he's like, 'Yo, why would she-'" Mike began to say when Sammi says, "Hold on, Arvin. Hold on, hold on." She points at Mike, "You need to get outta here cause I can't hear." "He just said, 'Why would she invite me all of a sudden if-' You know what I mean? 'Outta nowhere, why would she invite me to the club?'" Mike continued, ignoring her when Ronnie asked, "You gonna talk to him? The kid's playing you in front of your boyfriend, you're gonna talk to him like he's your best friend?" "Shhh...." Sammi shushed him when Ronnie sneered, "F**k you. F**kin b***h. You better go home." Sammi ignored him and continued to talk to Arvin, "We've been friends for a while, and I've- see, we go out. I know your group of people. I hang out with all the time." "Say, 'We never made out.'" Ronnie whispers as Sam continues, "So why are you sitting here, saying that we've made out and everything?" "Sam, we've made out before." Arvin states when Sam argued, "No, we haven't." "Yes, we have." "No, we haven't! That's actually, like, I can't believe you're sitting here, saying we have." Sammi fumed when Mike chuckled, "Wow! That's gangsta. Yo, Sam, that don't look good, girl." "Arvin, come on! You're like playing me out! It's disgusting!" Sammi argues.

{Ronnie: Sam's body language when she's on the phone with Arvin is like, you got f**kin busted. You got caught.}

"Wow, she's lying on the phone right now." Mike says towards the roomies in the kitchen as Arvin still talks to Sammi, trying to jog her memory, "How about when we left DJs and I walked you to Jen's car, and right outside Jen's car?" "Really right now, are you kidding me?" Sammi said, denying it as Mike smirks, "Wow! I can't wait to call him back."

{Mike "Situation": You know what? Deny, deny, deny. Ron, dog, you ain't that dumb, okay? I'm right there. And I'm going to make sure the sneaky bitch don't getcha.}

"What, did you want me to lie? I mean-" Arvin asked as Sammi barks, "I'm not!" "She's lying. He says you're lying." Mike comments when Sammi roars, "GET OUT OF MY FACE MIKE!" "He's my friend and you're trying to play him out!!" Mike exclaims when Sam shouts, "I'M NOT PLAYING HIM OUT!" "What is the kid saying on the phone?!" "That he's nothing but a friend!!" Sammi barks when Ronnie snaps, snatching the duck phone outta Sam's hand. He hangs it up, sneering, "You're f**kin pathetic! You're pathetic." "Whatever, I'm not dealing with you." Sam shrugged when Ronnie mutters, "You don't f**kin deal with anything." "Bye." "Bye." Ronnie said before heading outside for a cigarette as Sammi heads into her room, muttering, "Not my problem anymore." "This is going to be an interesting dinner." Pauly comments, stealing a tomato from the salad.

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