S3 Ep 6: Should We Just Break Up?

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"I'm done with the mean bone in my body." Sammi says as Jenni nods, "Me too. Can we hug it out? A little bit?" Jenni gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I love you." "Sorry for, you know, a lot." Sam says returning the hug. They then went to find the other girls to let them know that they made up before dancing and having fun together as a group.

{Jenni "Jwoww": The drama between me, Ron, and Sam has gone on way too long, and now I feel like the house, as a whole, will have a better vibe.}

Everyone decided to get a shot when Ronnie went sly and took Jenni's shot. "What happened to mine?" Jenni asked as she turned to see Ron down the shot. Jenni laughed, "That was mine!" "Ronald!" Vi exclaimed before her and Nicole burst out laughing. Then it would be the meatballs jumpin crazy on the bar, Vinny and Pauly talking, Mike dancing with a girl, Jenni and Sammi dancing, and Ronnie and Roger talking. Later it would be Sammi and Ronnie dancing and vibing, Jenni and Roger doing the same, Mike hooking up with his girl, Vi and Pauly vibing and talking, and the last two meatballs dancing with Vinny.

{Ronnie: Everyone's having a good time Everyone's getting along in the house. But, once again, one step forward, two steps back.}

Sammi and Ronnie go to the bar when Ronnie got a beer and chugged it. Sammi exclaims, "Really?" Ronnie nodded as Sam rolled her eyes, "Bye. Ron, I'm going to go over there." She then walked over to sulk against the wall as Ronnie sighed finishing his drink. Vinny finds a girl her likes and talks with her when he asked, "Are you married?" She shook her head before he asked, "Are you cool to chill with me?" "Yes." She nodded as Vinny nods, "Alright." They continue to vibe when he go to Mike chatting with a girl. He leaned into her ear whispering before she asked, "Pajamas for me?" He nodded as she giggled. He says, "I got, like, situation pajamas, for real." She giggled before continuing their conversation. Then Pauly and Vi are dancing, Dee and Nicole are dancing on the stage, Roger and Jenni are chilling talking to some friends, and Ronnie joined a few of his friends talking and having a drink as Sammi is still brooding in the corner.

{Sammi "Sweetheart": In Miami, Ron got s**t faced to a point where he was incoherent, so I'm scared, a little bit nervous that the same thing's gonna happen.}

Sam and Ron sit down to talk when Sam says, "I'm just scared." "I just took a shot and drank a Corona, and you're like, "Oh--" I've dranken a lot more than I drank tonight." Ronnie tells her as she sighs looking away. Mike then starts gathering up everybody to go back to the house. Mike enters the house first and brings his girl upstairs. Nicole walks in entering the girls room to hear the dog barking as she exclaims, "Doggies!!" She steps over the get to play with them as Pauly, Vi, and Vinny enter the house. Then Pauly helps Vin to his bed as Vi goes to find food before Jenni and Dee enter next following Vi to eat. Ronnie enters and plops face first in the bean bag as Sam follows and finds something for him to eat. She finds something and walks over to him, "Look. You want this or no?" "Please heat it up?" Ronnie said as Sam nods and goes to heat it. The other girls are now eating when Jenni looks around asking, "Where's Nicole?" "I don't know." Vi says as they glance around the room. Ronnie suddenly gets up and starts to head upstairs mumbling, "F**k this... S**t..." "Ron, I'm making you food." Sam says as he ignores her and heads in there room plopping on the bed. Moments later Sam takes the food up and sits on the bed by him. He shook his head as she says, "Here. I got you something." She went to feed him when he spit it away making Sam laugh.

{Ronnie: The room at this point is doing f**kin' somersaults, spinning. It's flipping. Doing 360s. I'm like... ugghh!}

Sam gave up on feeding him so she laid down cuddling him for a few moments before he burps. He gagged a bit as Sam asked, "You gonna throw up?" He nods as the quickly got up as he grabbed an empty bags and started puking in it. As he did that Sam rubbed his back at the same time plugging one of her ears. She asked, "You alright, baby?" He nods slightly before throwing up more as Sam groans, "Oh, my god. I hate throw up." She stopped to plug both of her ears trying not to puke herself. She then got a big trash bag and a few bottles of water before heading back upstairs she gave the water to Ron as she picked up the shopping bag full of vomit and threw in the trash bag. A bit of the vomit on her hand before exclaiming, "Ew, poop! I just stuck my hand in your throw up! Ahh!" She ran to the bathroom with her hand out as Ronnie laughs.

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