S3 Ep 9: Kissing Cousins

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The next morning everyone is slowly waking up for the day. Nicole sleepily says, "Spoon me." "What do you mean?" Jionni asked, turning over to spoon her. Nicole sighed, "Can you not be the worst snuggler ever?" "Want me to go?" Jionni asked. Nicole answered, "Yeah, sure. Leave. Bye." They get up and she gathered her blankets as he got dressed before they walked downstairs.

{Nicole "Snooki": If you don't want to snuggle. Thanks for the bragolie, but no dinner dates with me and you. Goodbye. Never see you again.}

They said goodbye before Jionni left the house as Nicole sits on the bean bag. She says, "I had sex last night." "What? Is that why you got the condom from me?" Jenni asked as Nicole chuckled, "My vagina's killing me." "Do you have a number or is he one-- one done?" "On to the next. F**k that." Nicole laughed as Jenni says, "Nick's hotter. No offense." "Yeah, he is." Nicole agrees before she picks up the phone to call Nick. He answers, "Hello?" "Hey, it's Nicole" She replies. He says, "Yo, what's going on?"

{Nicole "Snooki": Nick was, like, the perfect guy. Gorilla, sexy. You know, hot, muscley. So why not just, you know, give it another try with Nick?}

"What are you doing tonight?" Nicole asked. Nick asked back, "Why, what-- you got plans?" "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to, like, get together." Nicole suggested. Nick thought a moment before answering, "Alright. You want to call me, then, around, like, 4:30?" "Are you going to answer?" "Yes, I'll be waiting for you around that time." "Alright, bye." "Bye." Nick says before Nicole hangs up the phone. Nicole gets up chuckling, "Is it me, or does he sound ghetto?"

Moments later Pauly goes up and wakes up Mike, "We got to work, pimp." Mike sighed before closing his eyes again. Pauly chuckles, "I'm not trying to get fired, dog!" Mike then got up before Pauly heads downstairs, peaking into his room to only see Vin and his girl sleeping. He turned to look in the girl's room to see a lump under the covers in Vi's bed. He smirked before sneaking in there and taking a deep breath he shouts, "Get it! We have work, Vi! I already woke you up once!" "I know and I didn't listen." Vi groaned not getting up. Pauly laughed, "I see that, but it's time to get your ass up!" He then picks her up and jumps around making her laugh, "Okay! Okay! I'll get ready!" "Good!" Pauly chuckled putting her down before leaving the room to let her get dressed.

The three finally are off to the Shore Store where they meet Danny who says, "An all star staff here today." He hands the gloves over to Pauly and Mike before they open the store. The day started going on and the roomies are not wanting to work. Violette sighs leaning against the counter when Danny walks over, "Vi, you're doing nothing. Thank you. Go on the floor and bring me a sale. Please."

{Violette "Vi": I'm hungover. I'm not having a good time. Work blows s**t for skittles right now. I wanna kill myself.}

A little bit later Mike walks up to Pauly and Vi who are chilling behind the counter. Mike asked, "What do you wanna do?" "I don't know." Violette shrugged as Pauly gestured to the exit of the store asking, "You wanna ride?" Mike chuckles nodding before he walked up to Danny saying, "Yo, we're bouncin' for our break to get a cup of ice cream." The three got the okay from Danny before heading out to the boardwalk as Pauly comments, "Vi's still sleeping. Look at her." "Yo, you wanna just stay out for like an hour and then blame it on me?" Vi asked. Pauly laughed putting his arm around her, "I like where your head's at, babe!"

Back at the house Ronnie gets ready before going to make a phone call. Ronnie's dad answered, "Yo." "What are you doing?" Ron asked. His dad asked, "What's going on, Ron?" "I need someone to talk too. Just feel like I've made too many bad decisions at this point. I need to fix it. I'm not going to fix it here. I need you or my f**kin' friends. I need people that understand me." Ronnie tells him. His dad asked, "You want me to come down, I come down tonight, bro. I can get down there like an hour and a half, no problem." "Alright." Ronnie said before saying his goodbye and hanging up the phone.

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