20. Hook, Line, and Sinker

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On learning that there was going to be a fishing contest at the marina, Grandpa was eager to enter it. Dad planned on entering it to help him out. Grandma and I made sandwiches and drinks for all of the competitors. I was surprised to learn Mr. Sertori would be judging the event. 

We arrived at the cafe to find a crowd of fishermen crowding around the entry table.

"OK, guys," Mr. Sertori called out, "Look, get your entry forms in. We can't start until you've got them in. OK?"

I slipped past the crowd and grabbed a couple of entry forms for Dad and Grandpa to fill out. After doing so, I noticed Cleo and Lewis off to the side. It was no surprise Lewis was entering the competition.

"Hi, Zoey," Cleo turned to me, "I didn't know you were into fishing."

"My dad and grandpa are entering the competition. Grandma and I brought sandwiches and drinks for the competitors," I shrugged.

"They'd better brace themselves for my new lure," Lewis stated and pulled out what appeared to be a yellow spring.

"What broke?" I gave him a confused expression on seeing it.

"No, no. This is my new lure. I made it myself."


I went back over and handed Dad and Grandpa their entry forms.

"Looks likes it's gonna be every man for himself," Grandpa remarked as he pulled out a pen and filled out the form.

"Nah, it'll be just for fun," Dad shook his head, "The winner will be how much the caught fish weighs."

"I just happened to see your mates, Zo. Are they entering the contest too?"

"Mainly just Lewis," I answered noticing Cleo was around to watch the event.


All of us got to the edge of the pier where the competition was taking place. I was helping Dad and Grandpa haul the bait box when it appeared Nate purposely bumped into Lewis. Yet again, ever since the Zodiac incident months ago, I've kept my guard up whenever he was around.

"Uh, listen up," Mr. Sertori called out, "This is a two-day competition. The heaviest fish wins. Land it, weigh it, and throw it back in. Cast off, and good fishing."

I noticed Nate pulling a roll of fishing line and tightening it, making it unnoticeable to anyone around. As Lewis dashed towards the edge to cast his line, Nate tugged the line, making the latter trip and fall off the pier right into the water. Everyone else who didn't know how it happened laughed. Cleo frowned at the whole thing. Dad and another fisherman managed to help get Lewis out of the water.

"I saw what you did there," I frowned at Nate after Cleo and Lewis headed back to the cafe.

"Saw what?" Nate smirked at me as if denying his actions.

"You're just trying to make Lewis look bad in front of everyone here."

"So? He's an amateur and can't even fish."

I rolled my eyes on seeing that arguing with Nate was a waste of time, I went over to Grandma who was giving the sandwiches and drinks to the other contestants.

"Everything ok, Zo?" she asked.

"Have you ever dealt with someone who is a total jerkwad, but isn't worth the time?" I was trying to keep my anger under control, but seeing someone harassing one of my friends irked me.

"Plenty of times. The best thing is to let that person know he or she doesn't annoy you."

I nodded at her.

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