29. The One That Got Away

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(I don't own this pic. All credit goes out to the original creators. I imagined this guy as Sonny, the other lifeguard who works with Patrick.)

Rikki informed me that Zane was back in town. He had transferred to another school where it required uniforms. Far as any of us knew, Zane thought we were back to normal again after the solar eclipse a few months ago.

Cleo was still dealing with her breakup with Lewis and started getting a little suspicious when it seemed Charlotte was hanging out with him. I could tell she was still adjusting to being in the area and having met a few friendly faces to help her feel accustomed. Plus, I figured Cleo's reaction was since Lewis knew about the other girls and me, she was worried he might say something to Charlotte, not even trusting him. Though I knew Lewis wouldn't dare do so since he was smart and had managed to hide any evidence of our mermaid sides.

Not wanting to get caught up in any of their dramas, I headed out to meet up with Patrick and wait until he was done with his shift at the lifeguard tower.

"Hey, Zo," he smiled as he leaned over the railing seeing that it was me, "Come on up!"

"I don't think I'm allowed up there," I called out.

"No worries. It'll be on me."

I shrugged and climbed up the ladder.

"I don't wanna get you into trouble," I shook my head after arriving at the top.

"Hey, like I told ya. No worries," Patrick grinned at me.

"You're such a rebel."

"The boss usually allows a small number of visitors on the tower as long as we're doing our jobs. He won't mind you here. Plus, Sonny just ran to grab lunch and will be back shortly."

I kept quiet and looked out at the view from the tower, letting Patrick resume his shift.

"So, your mates have other arrangements going on?" he wondered as he too looked out at the beach scene below us.

"More like getting caught up in their own dramas," I answered not wanting to burden him with everything.

"I'm all ears, Zo. Word has it that Zane is back in town and transferred to another school where everyone wears uniforms daily."


I didn't feel like talking about Zane.

"Have you ever surfed, Zo?" Patrick gestured at a couple of surfers riding their boards on the waves.

"Yep. My dad taught me," I nodded, "I stopped after hearing about shark attacks on surfers."

"Maybe soon you and I can get out and catch some waves."

"I don't that's a great idea. I don't wanna lose a limb if a shark mistakes the board I'm on for a seal or another fish."

That kind of exposure to water will result in Patrick learning the truth about me.

"No worries. There are times when it's safe to get out on the waves," he assured me not realizing that I was turning the activity down.

"I mean, it used to be my thing, but I'm into different things now," I corrected Patrick.

"If being out on the waves bothers you, we can do something else."

That made me feel glad he finally caught on to my reaction. Hopefully, Patrick's idea of doing something together didn't involve water.

"How about bowling?" he wondered.

"I'd like that," I agreed.

That second, a blonde-haired guy arrived at the tower.

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