61. The Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Since it was Saturday, it was my day to sleep in, unless there was a huge weekend plan. My phone ringing woke me up. Noting that it was Cleo calling, I guessed it was important.

"Hey, what's up?" Bella asked on the other line.

"Oh, it's so early," Rikki moaned which told me she had been sleeping.

"It had better be important," I yawned, still trying to wake myself up but wanting to fall back asleep.

"I need your help, the three of you, for a secret project," Cleo answered.

"Oh, it's way too early for secret projects, Cleo," Rikki groaned.

"It's important, Rikki. I promise. You're gonna be impressed.

"Really?" Bella wondered.

"Really," Cleo replied, "Hey, um, also bring a raincoat."

She ended the call. I had a feeling that it would involve water.

After getting dressed, I pulled out my rain jacket from the closet.

"You're up early. What's the rush?" Fiona smiled as she baked pikelets. 

Noting Dad's absence, I figured he'd be at the beach surfing. The apartment was only a short walk away from the beachfront, which saved us from driving.

"Meeting at Cleo's for a last-minute school project," I replied and took in the cooking aroma.

"Ah, a weekend project. I remember meeting at some mate's house for one of those."

I helped myself to some of the pikelets along with a side of eggs and sausages wanting to have my full before leaving. 

"One of these weekends, whenever we're up early, we should tag along with your dad and go surfing," Fiona suggested, "He mentioned you used to surf with him when you were younger."

"Yeah, that was so long ago," I nodded nervously and drank some mango juice to swallow a piece of pikelet, "If I'm up." I wasn't committing to it, but at the same time, I didn't want to offend Fiona. 

"There's no stress about it. I figured we'd all plan something during a weekend since they're usually open," she added. 


I arrived at the Sertori house at the same time as Rikki. Since it was warm and sunny outside, I carried my rain jacket in my bag. I noticed Rikki didn't have one on her, probably didn't take Cleo seriously. 

On getting to the front door, it opened to reveal Cleo wearing a yellow rain jacket. She turned to Rikki in confusion.

"Where's your raincoat?" she asked her.

"Why would I need a raincoat? It's beautiful out there," Rikki remarked as she and I entered the house.

"I thought you might say that."

"So did I," I shrugged.

Cleo plucked a rain jacket and hat off a coat hanger, "Right. I think you might change your mind when you see this." She placed the hat on Rikki's head.

On getting into Cleo's room, I pulled out my rain jacket and put it on as she picked up a water tumbler. Seeing her unscrewing the lid to get it open made me wonder what she had going. Rikki didn't wear the extra rain jacket and hat still not taking Cleo's word for it.

"Impressive," Rikki nodded at Cleo after the latter opened the tumbler.

Cleo shook the tumbler once and what I recognized as a mixed sample of the water from the wall fountain and moon pool floated. I thought she and Lewis got rid of it when it became clear to them that it was dangerous to keep around since someone else was likely to discover it.

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