53. The Awakening

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I don't own this GIF. All credit goes out to the original creators. I pictured Rose Byrne as Fiona, Adrian's girlfriend who reminds Zoey of her late mother.

I walked along the beach with Cleo and Rikki. We were nearing our last two weeks of summer break before school resumed. It felt unusual without Emma who had left with her family to globetrot for who knows how long. I was able to get a Skype account so that we could communicate whenever she could if any of the countries she was in had excellent internet and reception. 

"Come over here!" a surfer called out from the water.

I thought he was calling to either of us but noticed his attention was on a girl with wavy beige/blonde hair who walked in the opposite direction of us. I saw that she was avoiding the tide lines like we were.

"Hey! Hey! Come over here!" the surfer yelled, 

"Scared of the water are you?" another one called out.

"Oh, well look after you."

"What's wrong with ya? Snob!"

I sensed the girl they were calling out to was introverted and wasn't up to interacting with the annoying surfers. Cleo turned to Rikki and me with a grin on her face. Rikki, knowing what she was thinking discreetly raised a hand and bent her fingers. The water right where the surfers were started boiling. The guys had a confused reaction to what was going on. Cleo raised a hand and one of them toppled over.

"Don't you love summer holidays?" Rikki grinned at us and we resumed walking.


The three of us found the right spot for sunbathing. Knowing the risks of getting skin cancer, I applied a lot of sunscreen all over me, the eco-friendly type that didn't harm the coral reefs.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Cleo smiled as she was tanning herself.

"Not for much longer," Rikki remarked reminding us that we were bound to be extra busy once school started again.

"Hey hey hey. You relax. School's at least two weeks away."

Cleo wanted some unwinding time before it happened.

"No, it's not that," Rikki sighed which gave me the hint she was missing Emma.

"Emma?" Cleo guessed, "You should be happy for her. Not everyone gets to see the world with their parents."

"I know. I know. But why'd she have to leave? It's our last year of school. Who's gonna hassle us into doing our homework now?"

"I miss her too."

"So do I," I nodded, "And second, I'd remind you to get on top of an assignment before the last minute."

A notification went off on Rikki's phone.

"Ah, where is she now?" Cleo wondered still thinking about Emma, "Paris?"

"Last I checked, they're in the UK," I stated remembering that I contacted Emma and learned that they were traveling through Scotland, "I'll let you know when they reach France and you guys can chat with Em too."

Cleo smiled at me.

"No, it's Zane," Rikki replied after reading something from her phone, "I've hardly heard from him in three weeks, and suddenly he's got a surprise for me."

"A makeup present, hey?" Cleo nodded at her.

"Oh, lucky me."

"He probably has a reason for not wanting to spoil the surprise," I shrugged as I got back on my feet along with them.

Waterworks (H2O Just Add Water) 🌊Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang