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Aiden's POV

I closed my eyes while sitting. I think I have forgotten the idea of lying down and sleeping. But this time I was not hoping for a nightmare.

Maybe Lucy is a reincarnation. I have only thought about it. There can't be two of them living at the same time.Or is it possible? However, if that is the case, then it only means that Lucy is about 20 years old. Then it only means she is also a new born guardian.

But who was the guardian of humans? It is the first time I have heard about it. I thought only supernatural creatures have a guardian. But it is not impossible, since humans probably need one. But if she became one, do the humans know that they have one? I doubt that. If she was a werewolf that became a guardian of humans, and if she was chained in silver, the ones who put her there probably does not know that she is a guardian. Maybe she wasn't one when they chained her. But what triggered it?

And if she became one, isn't she supposed to be immune with silver? Because I am. Her healing rate might tell us when she became one. Do vampires have a doctor? Speaking of healing, maybe Dela can help her. The guardian fairy is a healer, at least, that's what Eros, the royal guard, told me.

I must take some rest. I'll tell them my speculations after this. I will...

A tree. It's branches almost reach the sky. It's roots covered the earth.

The moonstone. A soul. A sacrifice.

A moonless night. The stone buried on the ground. As blood drops on it.

'Blood and soul must be one.' A voice echoed.

And the tree grew and grew. The dark energy broke.

'Free us.'

Curses... disappeared....I opened my eyes. It is another... dream. I feel calmer somehow compared to the previous ones.

Wait, that dream. The moonstone. To free all curse.

I rushed out the room and directly went to Ajax's office. He stood up as I entered the room getting a book from one of his shelves.

"It's different."

"It's not worse." He said. "I think we have an answer now."

"The moonstone can really break the curse. Something about blood and soul and a tree."

He hummed. "I think it is not a stone. It's a seed." He put down his opened book on the table to show me. It is an illustration of a tree and beneath it where the roots came from is a...

"It's a seed. The moonstone is a seed."

"And a seed needs water. For this instance, blood."Blood and soul. "The moonstone came from Laine's soul, and now it needs her blood. Lucy's?"

"If she was reborn, this must be the work of that stone. I mean, seed."

Lucy and Laine. So, that is the reason. I did not completely lose her. And if we ended the curse, she can be free and so am I. "But her blood?"

"Don't fret. It does not mean all of her blood. I think it only needs a few drops."

Right, there was no lifeless body or sacrifice in the vision. I did not feel any heavy emotions.

"Then, the only thing we need is a moonless night. If I remember."

"Lucky are we. It is tonight."

Tonight. We can end all this. Just like that?

"We can do it in a more stable soil. I know a place, we should take her now. If that is still what you want?"

"Yes. We need this."

I head to the other room peeking at Lucy, who hasn't moved from her seat. I can prevent anyone from experiencing what happened to Laine. No guardian will ever bear the pain of the curse ever again. We will be free.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey." I knelt before her. Holding her hand. She turned to me. It will all be over soon. "Do you want to move from here? A new view? We'll take a stroll, okay?"

She nod. I stood up to push her wheelchair. She is still healing. Is this the right time to do this? This vision appeared because it was meant to happen. Right?

"Having second thoughts?" Ajax asked as we head to the elevator. There is an exit to the old palace above. Only he has access to it.

"How long til the next moonless night is?"

"A year or so. That is only around the country. Do you want to reschedule this?"

"Is this right? Maybe we should let her heal first."

"Heal." I heard a whisper.

"Did you say something?" I look at Ajax.

He just looked at her.

"Did you say something?" I peeked at Lucy. She is back on fiddling the loose bandage on her hand. I want her to understand me. This world. And maybe, she can talk to him again, the King. Right. I can grant his wish even for once. "We'll do this now." I said with resolve.

We, then, travelled by car. It only took a few minutes and we stopped in an open space. It is dark outside without the moon. The only light is the headlight of the car and the stars above.

"The seed." He said as he knelt down the ground. I handed it to him. "Now, her blood."I held her hand. "Lucy, we need to take a few drops of your blood, okay?" She nod. I took the knife from Ajax. Almost reluctant on drawing blood from her. I have to do this. I carefully pricked her finger and blood oozed from it. I guided her hand just above the seed.

"Aiden... misses her." She whispered.

The earth trembles. Roots are coming from the seed. I immediately carried her as we run away from it. A tree soon sprout, It's roots trampled even the car and we moved as far as we can.

"Are you okay?"

I stared at the girl in my arms. A wind blew unraveling part of the loose bandage covering her other eye. "Lucy... will... return her." Red eye stared at me. The last nightmare flashed just before my eyes.

Wait, what?


Something sprouted from the ground. A branch, a root, I don't know, wrapped around me and pulled her away from me. The root is covering her. Every inch of her.



I couldn't move. Why? That vision? My sight is blurry as I saw the tree encasing her. Wh---

The light of the setting sun made me look away. What happened? Where am I?

I feel strange. I stare at my hand. Something changed. Something was --

"Are you alright?" That voice.

I turned in front of me. Slowly adjusting from the sunlight behind. It is...


This can't be...


REJECTION PART 2: THE CURSED ONESWhere stories live. Discover now