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Aiden's POV

"It only took a few hours." Dela said that her power probably started slipping away when the tree started growing and it was still growing when she arrived. I couldn't believe that it was only for a few hours when I was in that dream for a couple days.

"Do you know about this tree?" I asked, she is a guardian of fairies, the keeper of the forests, she might have an idea on what we are dealing with.

"That kind of tree does not belong in this realm. But if a guardian gave you that seed, she knows what she is doing. You see, the first guardians have a rule that should not be broken, that is to break the curse. At least using our own hands."

So, that's why she used us? That's why she let Laine be killed so there will be a second guardian.

"She used your guilt to let you grow that tree. I'm sorry Aiden." She tapped my shoulder. A wave of guilt reminds me of my own fault. I even hurt Lucy. I betrayed her.

"It's not the time to sulk on what happened." Ajax broke his silence, he has been quiet for a while. "You did not know what was going to happen, what we have to do now is plan our next step. That guardian (Elena) probably knows that her plans failed. Either she is planning her next step or she already have a back up plan. For all we know, she might be after her now." He motioned towards the sleeping Lucy. She has not regained her strength yet, with the torture she experienced before, it will take time to help her recover. Wait.

"Dela, can you help her?" I asked, the guardian fairy has the ability to heal.

"I can try but it will not be as effective if she is also a guardian."

"Please try."

She nod. "Can you both go outside? the density of four guardians in one room might effect the healing rate."

I reluctantly stand up, carefully setting down Lucy's hand. She was not letting my hand go. "I'll be back, I promise." I whispered dampening a kiss on her forehead. She loosened her grip.I turned to her one more time before following Ajax outside.

"She will be ok, right?"

"She will be. She's stronger than you think." He seemed indifferent with what had happened. Maybe he is also hung up on what he had dreamt of. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Hmm. Guardians are never alright." His eyes stared at the sky. "Don't worry about me. You should think about the next step. Elena is a strong guardian, we cannot barge in on her doors if that's what you are thinking." He's right, she has more mastery of her powers.

"There are four of us." Dela is a first guardian, too. Ajax and I may be new but we can still do something. And Lucy, I'm not inflicting her with this, what I'm saying is that we can outnumber Elena.

"There are other guardians, too. All of whom are cursed. Do you know who among them is with Elena?" Elena knows about the other guardians more than us. "And that guardian fairy, do you trust her?"

"Dela? She was Laine's friend."

"Do you trust her?"

"I..." She has been helping us. She also seems to like helping this village. Even with her curse, I don't think she wishes harm on Lucy. "I trust her."

"Hmm. Then, you can ask her about the other guardians. She may have a way to communicate with them. Afterall, certainty is the most we can lean on."

"She's awake." Dela peeked at the door.

"How is she?" We went back to the room.

"I only managed to heal her physical wounds, but she still needs time to rest." Lucy is now sitting, staring at her hands, some bandage covering them has been removed.

"Lucy." I called. She turned towards me. her heterochromic eyes are still fascinating to see. Her left eye was covered with bandage but now I can clearly see her face. Her face still resembles Laine's except for her left eye.

Before I could sit beside her, Ajax tapped my shoulder. Right, I should talk to Dela.

"Can we talk?" I turned to the other.

"Of course." I motioned outside. I don't want Lucy to feel that there's something wrong.

"Can you look after her?" I asked Ajax.

"I will."

I glanced at Lucy, one more time, she is still staring at me. She might caught on the mess in my head if she held my hand. It's better this way.

"So, what is your question?" Dela asked as we walk outside.

"The other guardians, tell me about them."

Ajax's POV

As soon as the door closed. Lucy went back to try unraveling her bandages and failing miserably. A barrier in communication. Why is the curse always against me?

I sat on her bed, taking her right hand and carefully undoing the bandages. She can only communicate with emotions, but I have none. It seems like she is subconsciously keeping me away. She knows of her enemy. It would have been funny.

"Do you hate me?" I whispered unable to look at her face.

I can still remember Duke's emotions, although this is a new lifetime, the memory of that life flashes every now and then. Duke was cursed to love and lose her, no. I am cursed to love and lose her. But this is not a curse but an order to protect her, my soul was only created to look after her. It was my creator who truly loves her. But Duke loved her, I think... No, I know I love her. My heart does not beat, it was my creator who only wants himself to love her alone. He is selfish. And He hurts her. I know my plan may hurt her but this is the only way to set her free. He will not let anyone hurt her, that's the only way to lure him out. So I'm sorry, dear Luce, but I must kill Him.


(Ajax is sus)

REJECTION PART 2: THE CURSED ONESWhere stories live. Discover now