Author's Note

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Hii guys!

How are you?

Hope everyone are good. I want to say thank you to all my lovely friends who understands me and asked me to chill and stop thinking because they will wait for my story.


Some still didn't understand what I write in the previous Author's Note because they are like 'Author update karo' ' please update ' etc.

I mean how easily someone sees her/ him happiness but what about other. What about my happiness? You want your update on time, you want update in every three days but did you ever thought how much efforts does one update takes, writting one chapter takes.

It shows when you read a chapter it shows how much author thought about the background, about the characters, about describing feelings, about pov that from which point of view the story look more appealing.

Even the Name of chapter requires to think many times before it was decided.

But no the efforts are not visible.

All is visible is ' please update '

Now please tell me why should I update? Why I think about your happiness? What  did you do for the story? Did you even press the vote button?


You know why votes are so important. When you open a story the views, votes and chapters are writing just below story name.

It's shows Story Worth.

I did so many efforts for this story. I can't make Amogh abusive or Jasmine a doormat?  Infact it won't even take so much hardwork but I didn't.

Some of my followers think. I followed the author now what's the need to vote. If this is the case I updated the first chapter of story now what's the need to complete it. Because it only take efforts in writing one chapter, right? You can't vote but comment.

I know who vote on my story. The notification come when someone vote showing their name.

Now you must've be thinking we completed the target. Still she is showing attitude.

The update will not come.

You can remove your precious votes.

The notification won't come 😉
So don't worry.

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