16🖤 [Panic Attack]

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There was an utter silence downstairs, everyone looking at Luca disgustedly. How can he even think that low of his own sister.

"Why?" Alex gripped Luca's shoulder. He was fed up from his younger brothers tricks. The girl he promised to protect has been hurting again and again by her own brothers.

"I-I don't know, it just slipped." He said vulnerably hating himself. A single tear escaped his eye realising what he just did.

"Slipped? You calling your own sister names! And that fucking slipped!" Alex shouted, his eyes turning dark from rage.

Luca just looked down feeling guilty. He knows he messed up once again. Especially after the day he slept with her and how vulnerably she asked him not to break her trust. But he did!

Everyone left slowly leaving him alone again, " I am sorry Luca, but I can't go on with you again on this. I am gonna show my little sister how much she missed in her past." His twin said patting his shoulder.

His jaw clenched as he left the home maybe to steam out his anger in some fighting club.


Alexander couldn't sleep all night thinking how hurt she must be, but didn't gather the courage to confront her. So he waited till morning.

"She will be okay" Brian patted his shoulder.

"Have you seen the way how hurt her face looks. I can't see her like this! She fucking made me weak! I can't see a single tear rolled down her cheek especially after what I heard today about her bastard stepfather"

"I know. She loves you. You should go and talk to her tomorrow"

"For now. We have to do something about the threats we are recieving." Alex jaw clenched hearing this.

They have been recieving random threats about their little sister. They haven't told anything about these to the younger ones.

"What's it this time?" Alex asked raising his brows.

"Same shit. That 'we are more close then you think' " Brian growled.

Brian called her guards asking if they have seen anything suspicious around her and to tighten the security more.

They were discussing things when they heard a heart shattering scream coming from downstairs. Both grabbed their guns and run downstairs towards the Lily's room.

Bruce and Sandro were also ready with the guns meeting their brothers on the way.

Sandro ran forward opening the door just to see her bed was untouched and she was nowhere in the sight.

"Sh-She isn't th-" His gaze wandered around to see his sister cuddled up in the corner against the wall.

Her face was burried in her knees and she was hugging herself tightly shaking while mumbling something.

"Lily?" Sandro asked as softly as he can but her shaking increases and she pushed herself more against the wall.

They looked at Brian not knowing what to do.

"Bruce, you go downstairs annd wait there. And Sandro bring her inhaler from the drawer in case she got panicked"

Bruce interrupted but got a stern nod from Alex, " Bruce, she will be alright. I don't want you to see her in this state" Alex patted his back giving him a small smile.

Bruce was always soft then his brothers. He hated violence because of his past. He can't confront blood of his loved ones because it makes him sick. So the brothers made sure that their younger brother stay away from all these and he only helped them in hacking in the business and other technical stuff.

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