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Lily's P.O.V

Woah woah there... Why the hell is he so drunk?

He gave a huge smile looking at his wrist which honestly creeps me out a little.

"C'mon go to sleep" I mumbled trying to got him up but who I am kidding?

"𝘋𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦, I met a little girl todayyy... He said I am his princeee" He slurred as he lay down on the couch putting his head on my lap.

"Great, I guess" I awkwardly pat his head.

His hairs are soo soft.. Why the hell is he even obsessed with mine?

"She was too innocent.. It's the first time I've interacted with kid! She was soo fucking adorable! Like really soft..I mean too soft like a marshmallow! She even hugged me. Me! Can you believe it?"
He kept on saying..

He is really drunk.

I just kept on nodding as he switched to russian language.. And Now I don't even know what's he telling me all drunk.

I looked at him, his grey eyes look so deep in close. Offcourse his eyelashes...!

Matty's eyelashes are also too long covering his cheek bones.

Fuck..! I am being such a creep staring at him.

"Lily?" I hmmed in response.. Too tired listening to his blaberring.

"Thank you"

"Why?" I raised my brows in confusion.

"I closed everything" He smirked slyly, "Every brothel, underground rings, human trafficking... I fucking closed it all"

I just stared at him in shock. He did what? Really?

"You kidding me?" I asked still going through everything.

He scoffed under his breath, "Offcourse not.. I tried really hard not to be a pussy, but your voice in the head kept on banging.. So I kinda did it"

A smile surpassed my face as I grinned, "Thankyou.. Thankyouu soo much" I spoke as his eyes fluttered close a little.

I still can't believe it..!!

As I kept on admiring him, I jumped when I hear a loud bang on the door following by gunshots..

"A-Andrew!Andrew!" I shake him hard but he just groaned before snuggling his head more into my stomach.

We are gonna die! Dammit..!

"For god sakes..! Wake up Andrew!!" But he was just out like a light. I immediately pulled the gun out from his waistband and with full strength remove his head from my lap.

Fucker! How Irresponsible of him..!

I looked around as the banging increased and with the help of my last brain cells, I tried to pull Andrew towards somehere safe.

But this guy is hulk..!

Well.. I love hulk..
I mean who don't? But Thor is on another level.. I mean just look at him and you will swoon..

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