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Ever since I got better from being sick me and Liam have been on the best of terms and we were back to our old selves. Thinking about how close we are again makes me want to text him.

Me: Hey Li

Prince Boy: Hola señorita

Me: Hola

Prince Boy: What'd you want to talk about?

Me: I miss your face.

Great going Gianna. I internally punched myself over and over and ran away from my phone as if it was going to kill me.

I heard the vibration and went to go check if Liam responded.

Prince Boy: Come kiss it

Prince Boy: Or sit on it

Prince Boy: Or both.

Oh Liam...

"Gigi? Are you ready?!" I heard Shelby and Claire thundering up the steps of my home.

"What?" I spinned around in my chair looking at them confused. Why are they even here? It's like eight at night.

"The party..." Claire says in a duh tone. What party. They came into my house at eight in the night and expect me to unexpectedly go to a party? This is not why I gave them keys to my house.

"Noo. Please don't make me go, I really have to study. I have a math retake tomorrow and I need to get it all right."
I please with them. I really did. I'm not a nerd or anything, I just care about school a lot. I party all the time just not when my school is failing.

"Please! You're about to turn eighteen, you should have some fun! You also promised at school you would go with Liam. And he's bringing Drew. Aren't you excited?" Ew. Drew. I hate Drew. Last time I saw him, things happened.

"Oh I guess..? When are they coming?" I question. But that was soon answered as soon as I asked it.

"Hey guys!" Liam boomed into my room, Drew making a slight smirk from behind him. I knew that is Liam found out what Drew was doing, he would beat his ass.

"Liamm!" I anounced like a sports announcer, cupping my hands around my mouth to make me sound louder. I ran to hug Liam and as soon as he grabbed me I started smiling. I love Liam's hugs. They're so comfy and warm, he was always taller than me so it would be like a big blanket engulfing me.

I was so happy to see Liam. That text he sent was hilarious and I screen-shotted it so I could use it against him.

"So, party time?" Drew asked, peeping his head out from behind Liam.

"Shut the fuck up Drew." Shelby looked at him with eyes that could kill.

"Hey what's with all the sudden aggression?" Drew put his hands up in defense.

"So, what are you going as?" Liam spun me around by my shoulders to look at him.


"Ohh I forgot to mention. It's a costume party for halloween..." Shelby started to rub her neck shyly.

"Girl. What am I supposed to dress up as?" I looked at her, she really expected me to have a costume just waiting?

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