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Two hours before

Me and the guys were sitting outside on the bench by the back courts of the school laughing and snacking lightly on little bits of beef jerky or water.

"Okay so tell me what's going on with you and Gianna." Shane says while chewing on a stick of jerky.

"Nothing." I simply say.

"Whatever it's so obvious. You look at her like she's your wife already." Shane comments.

"Ok man whatever you say." Rolling my eyes at him but I know how I look at her.

"Hey if your not gonna take her man, I will." Drew shrugs.

Shane immediately launches out if his seat trying to attack Drew but I stay calm and hold him back. Shane can't get anymore suspensions and neither can I.

"Calm down Shane. You can't be getting expelled." I say before walking up to Drew.

"And you. Shut the fuck up about Gianna. You know nothing and you never will. She isn't some toy that you can just steal off the shelf if someone didn't buy it. She is a human being. The most beautiful one that that so you can't go around telling everyone you're going to get Gianna soon because your not."

I take a deep breath and me and Aiden leave Drew sitting there astonished. I'm done taking shit from Drew. Acting like hems the shit.

"He's so fucking annoying I want to pound his head into a wall." Shane grumbles.

"Calm down. He gets a rise out of us too much. Just ignore him."

Me and Shane start walking through the halls when I see a glimpse of Gianna's brown hair. And Claire's?

"Is that Gi and Claire?" I say when I realize Shane was about to say the same thing.

"It sure looked like it." Shane's been in love with Claire since they were both eleven. He's loved her ever since but I'm sure she loves him even more but they've had a messy relationship.

"Why're they headed to the principle office?"

"Not sure let's go."

We follow them towards the principle's office and by the time we got there they just went in so that meant we would have to wait a few minutes.

"Guys! I'm sorry man. Gianna's just hella hot, nothing you can do about it." Drew ran up to us out of breath. His apology was shit.

Me and Shane look at each other and decide not to answer him or look at him. At this point I'm sick of him.

"What do you want from me? I'm being serious!" He's always had bad anger issues. I never trusted him around Gianna because whenever he'd slightly raise his voice at her she'd flinch.

"Shut the fuck up! Why are you so fucking loud like there is reason to be shouting. So do you not understand that you don't need to shout all the time or no?" Shane snaps.

Drew rolls his eyes and we go back to ignoring each other.


I really need to find out why Gianna flinches when Drew yells. I've always thought it's just because it scares her and she's not expecting it but she's afraid of people yelling in general. She wasn't always like this so it must've been Drew that had made her that way.

The final bell rung but Drew left while Claire and Shane went off somewhere together. I decided to take Gianna back to my house so I could ask her about it.

"Where we goinn?" Her voice sounds so innocent and sweet. If it was on a track I could listen to it forever.

"To my house, we should go to the store really quick to get some stuff I have a plan." I know she has mixed feelings about surprised but this time she seems to be excited.

"Really?! Are we going to Disneyland?" I need to take her to Disneyland sometime. She's always wanted to go.

"No not now baby. But we are going to do something I know you'll love!" She loves watching either horror or Disney movies so I decided we'll watch Rapunzel while snuggling with blankets .

"Okay then!"

We arrive to my house and of course to my dismay, my mother is home. Sorry excuse of a mom.

Luckily she isn't drunk or anything. Thank god, because I couldn't let Gigi see that side of her.

"Gianna?" My mom peeks her head around the corner and Gianna's eyes light up. She's always loved my mom since a little girl. But I don't let Gi see my mom much anymore so her image of my mom won't change in her head.

"Hi Mary! I haven't seen you in forever." It's bittersweet seeing Gi and my mom converse. My mom always treated other kids better then me, never understood why.

"You're so big now. About time Liam brought you over." I wish my mom was this sweet talking to me.

"Mom we are going now." I grumble whilst grabbing her hand and practically dragging her away from my mom.

I flop down on my bed and she cuddled into my shoulder as I turn on the tv.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?" She looks up at me with those dazzling eyes of hers. It caught me in a trance.

"What do you mean?" She knows.

"You always make me watch a Disney movie and cuddle whenever you want to talk about something because you know I'll be in a good mood." She smiled. Her smile is how I fell for her. That and those eyes.

"Ok fine. I wanted to talk to you about Drew." Her face immediately freezes and she tenses up next to me and she's no longer chirpy or smiley. She's dead silent. It's scaring me.

"What about him.." She's scared now I immediately feel bad but I need to know.

"Look at how scared you are and I just mentioned his name. You're terrified whenever he speaks you freeze. Baby, I'm right here I'd never let him hurt you. Ever. I just need to know what he's done so I can make sure he won't ever do it again." I run her face lightly with my thumb watching her melt a little under my touch.

"O-ok.." Her eyes start watering and I pull her in closer.

She sits up a little and I rub my hand through her hair.

"It's ok. I'm sorry I'm making you cry. It's breaking me seeing you like this, but it'll be even worse if he did something again and I didn't know." There probably is something he did and I didn't know which is why I need to know.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She pauses and takes a deep breath.

"I dated him for a month and he raped me multiple times."

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