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"What the fuck."  Were the first words uttered from Gianna's mouth.

"I'm a street racer." I admit. Or I was.

"Okay...go on." She says. I really thought she would've gotten mad but she's smiling.

"I race, or used to race, for money. But it was just for-" I try to explain before she gets mad but she interrupted.

"I'm not mad. I'm actually estatic! Can you take me to race one sometime? I've always wanted to race a race car!" That was definitely something I both expected this response and her being mad.


"Yeah. If it makes you happy and it's not dangerous or anything of course I'm happy!" She smiles at me.

I've never met anyone that's as supportive as Gianna is. No one. She's loved me through and through. Maybe that's why I love her so much.

"That's why I love you. I can take you racing sometime if you want baby." I say while still looking at the road.

"Really?! Yay!" She got so excited. I love seeing my girl like this, she's absolutely stunning when she smiles.

"For sure. You want to watch another movie when we get home?"

"Mom's actually coming home, she's on her way." Gianna mumbles.

"Oh really. That's great." I say, but she doesn't look too happy.

"I love my mom but she isn't telling me something. Why would she go to Florida for two weeks and then say it was for work. Then she never texted or called. That's so unlike her." Gianna says.

"Yeah I know.." I found it weird now too.

"It's okay don't worry about it. All that matters is that she's okay."

There was something wrong, now looking at why Gianna's mom was never home.

Gianna's breathing got lighter and got softer, her breaths being a little louder since she snores lightly.

God she's so peaceful.

Maybe that's why I love her. She's everything I'm not. It's like a puzzle. She's perfect, absolutely perfect. She's beautiful, she's gentle, peaceful, kind, and caring. I'm none of those.

She's my biggest inspiration.

"Are we home yet?" She asks lightly. I could tell she just woke up.

"Yeah we are. Let's go to bed you're probably tired." I carry her bridal style from the car and lay her down in her bed.

"I'm going home really quick but I'll be back in five okay? I love you." I kiss her quickly on the forehead and off I go to drive home.

My mom was probably home. I haven't been home in a few days, actually, I really never go home. I stay with Gianna almost every night since she has no guardian with her, not that I am one, but I can protect her and help her out.

My house was a short drive from Gianna's so it was easy for me to go home and back.

"Ma?" I heard glass break in the kitchen.

"Mom?.." I creeped more towards the kitchen and my mom was sitting on a chair at the dining table with some dude.

"Mom?" Her head snapped to me and her eyes were red, and she looked angry.

I now realize what's going on. My mom sniffing cocaine, drinking alcohol. God I hate the smell of alcohol.

"What the fuck are you doing back?" My mom got up to me. She was nowhere near my height but she was fuming.

"Sorry, came back to get clothes. Didn't know you were busy." I turn away and a hard bottle hits my head and breaks.

Suddenly I'm on the floor. My head's ringing and blackness is starting to cloud my vision.

"Don't turn your fucking back to me and I'm talking to you! Get your ass out of my house." She kicks me in the stomach and storms back into the dining room, slamming the door.

"Well shit..." I mumble to myself, groaning from the pain.

You'd think for someone who's a foot taller than their mom, I'd be able to get her off me but here we are.

I grab some clothes and stuff them in a backpack, I don't need much so everything for a few weeks if needed is in my bag.

I feel my head still bleeding from the glass bottle, my vision still a bit cloudy but I need to get to Gianna's first.

I speed to Gianna's house, cutting my normal 5-10 minute drive down to two minutes.

I go straight inside, and put my bag down. Heading straight to the first aid box to fix myself before Gianna notices I'm home. I'd hate for her to see me like this.

I'm not even sure how I was able to stand up, nevertheless drive. I'm sure that hit to the head would've made me unconscious.

I'm about to reach the counter when I hear a voice. My girl's voice.

"Yeah...can you come with me to my doctor's appointment tomorrow?...Yay! Thanks Marissa."

Doctor's appointment? Why didn't she ask me instead. Doesn't she know I am more than happy to go with her if she needs it?

My vision gets blurry again and this time I can't help feel myself falling.



What the fuck was that.

I grab my metal bat from the side of my bed-

Yes I sleep with a metal bat next to me. What if someone tries to murder me in my sleep?!

Slowly, I creep downstairs and then I see a big body on the ground of the kitchen?


I sprint down the steps to help him.

"Liam! Liam wake up please!" I had tears streaming down my face now.

"Liam please wake up!" I shouted. This can't be happening, he just asked me to be his girlfriend and now he's unconscious.

"Liam!" I'm frantically screaming at this point. Before I get up to grab a phone to call 911 he grabs my arm.

"You're awake thank god.." I notice a pool of blood on the floor under his head.

"Baby, I'm okay." He strokes my cheek lightly, still laying down and trying to keep awake.

"No you're not let me call 911. Stay awake!" I sprint to grab a phone and run straight back to Liam.

"Keep your eyes open." I order before dialing the number.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my boyfriend is going unconscious right now. I'm not really sure how it happened I just found him on the ground and there's blood." I start shaking at the sight of blood. Blood and wounds have never been easy on me...

"Would you like emergency services?" She replies calmly.

"Yes please."

"Okay, there are some heading your way. What's your name sweetie?"

"Gianna Mendez."


"Seventeen. Almost eighteen." I'm starting to panic as the sirens approach.

"Okay the ambulance should be there now sweetie. He'll be okay."

I hope so.

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