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God I hope he's okay.

The ambulance picked me, Rikky, and Liam up. I had to bring Rik because there was no way I was leaving him alone.

Here we are now, Liam sleeping on a hospital bed, me holding Liam while he sleeps.

I haven't slept this whole time.

The doctor's asked for any guardians but Liam was over eighteen. Or he was eighteen. So his mom didn't have to come, it seems like he hates his mom. I don't know why.

They told me it was a concussion and that they found glass shards in the wounds which is why there was so much blood. Both from falling on his head and someone hit him with something glass.

His finger starts to move a bit and his eyes flutter open slowly.

I lay Rikky down gentley and run to Liam.

"Oh my god you're okay." I cry as I hug him lightly, making sure I didn't touch any cords or anything.

"Oh my shits. LIAM! You are so eventful aren't you!" I say. First he asks me to be his girlfriend, then Aiden shows up, and then he ends up in the hospital. God...

"I'm sorry sunshine. I'll never do that again." He kissed my cheek and lays back down.

"You better. What happened? I just found you lying there in a pool of b-blood." I never stutter ever. But the sight of seeing him laying in blood around his head scared me to death.

"My mom hit me with a glass bottle on the head. I drove over and tried cleaning it but I passed out and hit my head on the floor." He chuckles a little.

"Oh Liam..." I sigh. Now isn't the time to worry about how his mom hit him. More importantly, I'm grateful he's okay.

"Are you feeling alright? Do I need to call a doctor?" I smooth what's left of his hair that isn't in bandages out of his face.

"Yeah I'm doing okay." He looks behind me and that's when I've realized Rikky was awake.

"Rikky! I didn't know you were here. Come here." He signals for him to walk to him

"Hi Li!"

"Hey bud. Are you tired?" He asks.

"Yeah..." Rikky rubs his eyes and Liam pats a spot next to him. Luckily Rikky was small and could fit in the crook of Liam's arm.

"Liam, are you sure? You could get hurt-"

"Tired of the 'you could get hurt' shit. I'm already hurt it's okay Gi."I sit back on the chair and watch them fall asleep.

What did I do to deserve this?


My vision started to get better when I woke up, I startled to see that I was in a hospital to say the least.

Seeing Gianna in the hospital chair, looking like she hasn't slept in years; God that took the biggest toll on me.

My heart broke at the sight of her crying and sitting in that uncomfortable chair.

Now she's asleep peacefully in that chair with a hospital blanket I gave her so she wouldn't be cold since when I came over she was already in her pj's.

Her chest rises up and down slowly as she sleeps. I wonder what I did to deserve her.

I'm no good, but she's the good in me. She brings the best out of me.

Rikky stirs in my arms before clinging on tighter and sleeping again.

The doctor's only came in once a few hours ago around 11:30 to ask how I was doing and explain what happened.

Apparently I have a major concussion so I can only sleep for maximum of two hours, and under supervision as of right now. Hence why I'm the only one awake.

"Liam?" A doctor knocks on the door.

"Come in." I say loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough so Gianna and Rikky don't wake up.

"Visiting hours are over." He says once he walks in but doesn't notice Rikky yet.

"Her baby brother I'm guessing?" He smiles a little before stopping to put the clipboard at the end of the bed.

"Yeah. Any possible chance-"

"Yes they can stay." He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Thanks Doc." I smile a little.

"She's definitely a keeper. If you would've seen the way she came in here with you...it's one of a kind." His eyes get a bit teary.

"I know she is." It really brought a smile to my face. Knowing my Gianna was one of a kind was already known, but knowing us together was one of a kind? Even better.

"Well I'm here to change your bandages so just sit still for a bit." He gets everything ready while I move Rikky on top of me so I can sit up.

He lays on my chest, hugging my torso and I rub his back. Surprisingly, he didn't stir or wake up. Gianna on the other hand did.

"Oh shit-" She jolts awake and sees the doctor before calming down.

"What's wrong sunshine?" I ask when she wakes up. I'm not sure why of when I started calling her sunshine, but it reminds me of her. She's my ray of sunshine in a storm of rain.

"Nothing just got a bit startled." She smiles a little and sits up straight, watching the doctor change my bandages.

"All done." He says after a few minutes.

"Thank you." He nods and leaves the room.

"What were you looking so closely at?" She was staring very intently at the doctor while he was changing my bandages.

"Just so I know how to change them." She smiles real softly. She smiles alot.

"Aw thanks baby, but you don't have to do that. I could do them it's okay."

"Your fucking crippled Liam. Don't give me that independent bullshit." She rolls her eyes. Either she's soft or hard. (that's what she sai-)

"Okay okay!" I raise my hands up in defense before she laughs a little and walks up to me.

She picks Rikky up lightly and carries him while rocking.

"What the hell Gi?! He was sleeping on me, now I'm cold." I throw my hands up in the air.

"You need rest without a twenty seven pound baby on you." She laughs hard before sitting down with Rikky again.

"Goodnight my sunshine." I say.

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Sorry for the inactivity, I've been creating the next 5-10 chapters :)

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