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"Okay you know the drill Gi." Liam said as we pulled into the parking lot of the rink.

"Yeah. I'll be on the bleachers." I say while hoisting my bag over my shoulder and walking in. Liam and Shane still had to unpack their huge bags from the trunk.

"Hey Lewis." I waved while I walked into the rink lobby. Lewis was about my age and he worked at the rink, I've known him since Liam started hockey.

"Hey Gi. They boys comin'?" He didn't look up from his computer.


I started to walk towards the glass doors, opening them to be hit with a large gust of cold wind. Ah. The rink. I walked up the metal bleachers watching the team stretch out on the side of the rink.

I settled my bag down on the metal bleacher right next to the exit so I could go out with Liam when he was done.

"Hey!" I turned to my left and saw a teen girl my age holding a toddlers little hand.

"Hi." I waved and smiled at her.

"Are you here to watch your boyfriend?" That was straight up.

"Oh uh no. Best friend." I smile.

"Oh okay! Which ones is yours?" She asks, scooting next to me and placing the little girl next to her.

"Number one." I proudly say. I am very proud of Liam and Shane. They're the top two.

"Really?!! That's so cool. My boyfriend is number twelve." She chirps, pointing at number twelve. Isn't that Andrew?

"Is your boyfriend Andrew?"

"Oh yeah how'd you know?"

"He's good friends with Liam, number one." I smile.

"Oh that's great! I'm Diane." She holds her hand out for me to shake. I shake it and introduce myself.

"I'm Gianna. But you can call me whatever."

"That is such a pretty name. This is Alyssa." She points down to the toddler who's playing Roblox on her iPad.

"Aw...hi Alyssa. I'm Gianna." I say, holding up a high five. Alyssa looks up and smiled a little.

"Hai." She touches my hand with her small index finger lightly.

"It's so nice to meet you. We should go out for dinner sometime! Usually there's not other girls here at practice so it's nice to have someone to talk to." She suggested. I'd actually like that. I haven't made many new friends in the past few years because I've been stuck to the hip with Liam and them.

"Sure! We can go after practice?" I suggest.

"Oh that sounds so good. Panera? I'll have to bring Alyssa sorry."

"No no! It's completely fine and sure I love Panera."


I heard the whistle blow, signaling the end of practice, making the boys skate off the ice and towards the exit.

"Liam, I'm about to go get lunch with a friend, no need to drive me home." I say to Liam as he exits with Shane. He simply nods and goes back to the locker room. Why was he so grumpy?

"Hey! Let's go?" I turn to the squeaky voice to see Diane and Alyssa coming towards me.

"Um I'm really sorry but I have to cancel I really have to go home. Can you maybe drive me home? I don't have a ride but I need to go home." I sadly smile. I feel really bad for asking for a ride but Liam's busy and Shane is too.

"Of course." She smiles.

We start walking towards the exit before I start speaking again.

"I'm really sorry for asking you for a ride and then cancelling. We should hangout sometime." I say.

"Don't worry about it. I get it, things happen." She smiles at me as we all get lumped into the car.


"Hey Mari." I say as I get home.

"Hey pookie pie! How was your day Sweetie booger bear?!" She said in a overly sweet voice.

"What the fuck Mari." My stomach starts to rumble from not eating all day. I look to see if Mari heard but thank god she didn't or she'd start getting mad at me for not eating. I felt the famliar feeling of guilt rise in my stomach again.

"Sorry I watched this video and the mom kept calling her daughters pizzookie and pookie pumpkin pie. I found it hilarious."

God what is she watching? Yesterday she even told me about this pig that fell off a roof. Poor pig.

I laughed lightly at what she said before walking upstairs. I was tired as fuck after the whole day. I didn't eat, didn't sleep for too long, plus my moods down since Liam isn't here.

I sighed as I plopped on my big fluffy comforter. I just laid there for a few moments, thinking. Liam's smell of his vanilla aftershave on my pillow from last night. I can't function without him.


I can't wait to see Gianna. I watched as she talked to this new girl while I practiced, that ended up with me being yelled at by Coach.

"Your mind somewhere else Harrison?"  Coach Smith skated up from nowhere.

"No sir." I look down at my skates in shame knowing that Coach probably already knows I've been thinking about Gigi.

"Get your mind off Gianna. We got work to do." Coach slaps me on the back and skates back to his original position on the ice, yelling commands and orders to us.

I couldn't help but eyeball Gianna and this other girl talking up in the bleachers. Of course, Gianna being the kind-hearted person she is, she was smiling and laughing. I smiled softly to myself as I watched Gianna and the girl interact.

I really need to get my mind of her.

"So you and Gi gonna go out for dinner after practice?" Shane questioned whilst he put all his hockey gear in his bag.

"Yeah. You know it." I smile at the thought of me and Gianna getting to go to dinner together. Her looking all gorgeous and beautiful even though she effortlessly looks like a goddess. Her smelling all good and eating her favorite food. It was the best thing.

"Yo you might want to see this." I see Andrew come towards me and Shane with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh my fucking god."

A/N: I actually meant for this chapter to go in a completely different direction but I decided to take it somewhere else.

Hehe 😉

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