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I gawked at Andrew's phone in horror. How could she do that?

She kissed Ethan.

The picture was at a party it looked like. She never ever goes to parties unless its with me. I felt my blood start to boil with anger. She only goes to parties with me. My once calm and loose hands go clenched. I study the picture once more and see she's not really smiling but nor is she frowning or looking like she doesn't want to kiss him. I was hopping maybe she was forced into it, even though that was so fucking selfish of me, but I wanted it to be a mistake. So so bad. But I also would never want Gianna to be forced into something like that.

"I'm sorry man. I really am." Shane and Andrew both patted my back with their heads down before they exited the locker room. Leaving me all alone in the cold metal room. Me and my thoughts.

They knew how much she meant to me.

This is so unlike her. She has never done anything like this. I don't know if I should confront her or be mad. Not to mention it's Ethan, the boy I saw just a few minutes at hockey practice. I feel like beating him up. All these thoughts swirled in my head. I need to punch something. I need to get my anger out, without hurting anyone. As much as I'm mad at Gianna and Ethan, I could never hurt her. I would hurt Ethan though.

I sighed. I felt my heart clench while I walked out of the locker rooms. I didn't want to see Gianna right now.

"Liam, I'm about to go get lunch with a friend, no need to drive me home." Gianna said happily. I was so close to smiling until I reminded myself of what she did. I simply nodded, not wanting to be completely rude.

Her smile instantly turned into a frown due to my lack of response. Her whole face went from lit up like a Christmas tree to dull. I felt my whole body fill with pain because I made her sad. I tried playing it off as I left the hockey arena but I was mentally beating myself up for it.

"It's okay man."

Here I am again, at the one place I thought I'd never be again.

The Race Track.

Nobody besides Shane knew about me and the race track. Not even my mother.

When I was fifteen I started driving in races because it was a thrill, something to make me feel alive that didn't include hurting myself. It also gave good money if I won. This was also the time Gianna and me grew apart because I was in a dark place and never let her help me. I realized once we were together again I got better. I stopped going to races, stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd, and even started going to the gym. She saved me.

But here I am again.

I need the thrill. I need the feeling of being on the verge, it makes me feel alive.

"Hey. You're back." I turn to see my old friend, Mya. I smile.

"Hey Mya. I am." I say while smiling at her.

"That's great. This next race has a bet of six thousand! Isn't that crazy?! Although I've seen higher. So I'm guessing your racing?" She looks out to the race track. It's been awhile since I've seen her. She got hotter. Her body got even nicer and her face matured more. But,

She isn't Gianna.

"Yeah." I reply after a few seconds.

"Good luck. Spike's out there, beware." She chuckles while patting my back before leaving the pit. I found my old race car sitting in the old pit room. I had before I left. I chuckle. I'm back baby!

"3... 2...1.... GO!" The women in a bikini waved the checkered flags in the middle of all the cars, as well as the stoplight on top turned green.

The seven racers, including me, sped off. I felt the rush I was looking for. I smirk to myself.

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