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He just told me he loves me. No fucking way.

"You are?" I think I'm in love with you too.

"Yes I am. Let's go eat now." He grabs my hand and pulls me to where everyone is now.

How can you tell me you are falling in love with me and just expect me to brush that off to go eat?

"Wow." I look over all the food on the table and I'm starting to have a better relationship with it. I never told Liam about it but he can tell there's some sort of conflict with it so he helps me.

"Do you want me to get you a plate Sunshine?" Liam's already fixing a plate for me by the time he asked so I just say yes.

He piles on some white rice.

That's a bit much...

Does he really think I'm that big that I'll eat that much?

He starts putting some salmon and finishes it with some fruits and pasta.

"Baby come over here and sit." He motions for me to go sit next to him where he placed my plate.

"Thanks." I reply quietly as I survey the food on my plate.

Well a serving of salmon is usually around 200 ish calories so-

"Stop it right now. You can do this. Calories don't matter they're just numbers baby." He whispers in my ear. He starts to make a spoon with rice and salmon on it for me.

"It's okay...you can do it. I refuse to take a bite out of my food until you do." He places that spoon on my plate, waiting for me to pick it up.

I start shaking a bit and tears start to form before I shakily grab the spoon and shove it into my mouth.

"Good job! I'm so proud Gi. See? You can do it." He takes a single bite and I quirk my head to the side a little.

"Yep, one bite at a time and we'll finish our food together okay?" I make another spoonful and eat that. He makes himself the same spoon with rice and salmon before eating that as well.

A few bites and fruits later, my plate was finished and I was both proud yet guilty but I try to push that feeling away.

"I'm so happy you were able to do that Gi. It's a milestone."

He picked me up and spun me around in a hug, which everyone around the table started to question.

"So fucking proud of my girl." He whispers in my ear as he puts me down.

I just grin ear to ear which Shelby and Claire obviously notice.

I sit down after Liam embarrassingly spun me around. My cheeks blazing hot red.

Everyone resumed their chatter and jokes after we settled back down.

I watched silently as everyone laughed, talked and just had the best time. There are times where I would stop and look around, those were the best. During those times I could really take in what was happening and it made me want to freeze time.

It was as if they were glowing, the type of glow only real happiness can give someone. No makeup or materialistic thing could ever give someone a glow that matched quite alike.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asks since I've been silent for a little just observing.

"Just the little things." I look up to him and smile as his arm goes around my seat.

I've grown up with these people, my best friends. They're my family.

After a few hours, around ten PM everyone was on their way home, including me and Liam.

"Bye thanks for having us!" I waved to Claire as she walked us to the front door.

"It's no problem babes! See you later."

I had one huge long scarf and Liam, being Liam, gave me his jacket in forty degree cold. It's almost cold enough to make snow.

"Liam please take your jacket back." I hand it to him and he refuses to take it so instead I grab my long scarf and wrap it around his neck.

I then adjust it to fit him comfortable and he wraps a arm around my waist to pull me in closer so the scarf isn't too tight.

"You. You are a angel. My ray of sunshine." He kisses my head and I let my head rest in the crook of his neck as we walk to the car, which was down the street.

"It's snowing!" I see the white flakes drop down in surprise. I thought it was forty degrees out, apparently it dropped to twenty one.

"A Christmas miracle at it's finest huh." Liam comments as he watches the snow fall.

We walk, his arm around my waist, my scarf wrapped around the both of us, down the street to our car with snow falling.

This is straight out of a romance movie.

A/N: hopefully you guys are envisioning what I am, I imagine them walking down the road like arms around each other. Yk hopefully you get my vision ;)

Alsooo if you're wondering why it was such a big deal to her even though he already said it, is because it's the first time he's using it like regularly, yk??

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