𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏

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The Cullens and I make our way to the clearing, where we will meet the Volturi. Trembling with anticipation, I clutch Jasper's sleeve like it's my lifeline. He casts a glance my way, his eyebrow arched, silently figuring out my emotions. "Are you feeling alright, darling?" We both know the truth, yet his question dances politely upon his lips, for this is how Jasper is.

With an intake of breath, I confess, "I'm just a bit nervous." In what feels like a fleeting moment, we find ourselves at the designated meeting spot. The truth is, this situation both fascinates and unsettles me to a certain extent. I am confronted with the fear of potentially making missteps in this connection. The belief that the bond will instantaneously materialize on our initial encounter is both intriguing and anxiety-inducing. Inevitably, doubts start to sneak into my thoughts—what if Alice's vision happens to be incorrect this time? What if-

As Edward confidently proclaims, "She's overthinking," it became apparent that my expectation for privacy had been shattered. So much for privacy, I think as I shoot him a glare, well aware that he could effortlessly hear every thought I had expressed.

In a display of affection, Esme makes her way to me. Wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace, she provides a comfort that is both tender and reassuring. "They have been waiting for you for centuries; they will love you in ways you cannot begin to fathom, my sweet girl." Her cold hands gently caressed my cheeks.

Before I could reply, though, my attention was pulled away from her as Emmet whispered in my ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin on my neck. "They're here, Shortcake." I swiftly turned on my heels, my eyes darting anxiously towards my spot, wedged securely between Jasper and Emmet. Their towering forms took on an even more imposing presence, their massive stature offering a sense of protection. As petite as I was in comparison, I found relief in knowing that I was shielded from the Volturi's gaze, at least for now.

The Volturi arrive in a formal formation. They move together, but it is not a march; they flow in perfect synchronization from the trees. The faint brushing sound of their feet can surprisingly be picked up by my human ears. It was like music—a complicated beat that never falters. The cloaked figures started to fold outward, each movement closely controlled as they did so. Two seconds later, they halt. The low music of perfectly synchronized movements turns to silence. Slowly, the Volturi began to lower their hoods. My heart began to quicken its rhythm, pounding against my chest as if determined to escape.

Among the countless vampires that stand before me, seven beautiful figures have drawn my attention the most. Whom I recognize, thanks to Carlisle. As my eyes wander among them, I stop on the three in the center, the kings. Each exudes an aura of strength and authority fit for royalty.

The individual who commands the utmost attention, standing confidently in the middle of the Volturi with his jet-black hair cascading behind him, is none other than Aro Volturi. His unique gift is known as tactile telepathy, which allows him to read the thoughts and memories of another through physical contact. Standing to his right is Marcus Volturi, a figure whose presence emanates an undeniable magnetism. Gazing upon him, I can't help but be captivated by his glorious appearance. What makes Marcus truly remarkable is his relationship identification. The ability to see the bonds between friends, family, and true mates.

As if perfectly timed, Marcus directs his focus to me—or at least makes an effort to do so. At that very moment, I find myself in the position of being able to observe them, but they remain unaware of my presence.

His face lights up, unbeknownst to everyone around him, including Alexis.

The Volturi remain blissfully unaware of my heartbeat, too focused on the Cullens, just like Alice predicted. As I shift my eyes towards Aro's left, they're drawn to the sight of my captivating mate, Caius Volturi, whose luscious blonde hair flows effortlessly down to his shoulders. Though lacking a supernatural ability like Aro and Marcus, Caius possesses an inherent and unparalleled ruthlessness that sets him apart from the rest. Yet, despite his distinct nature, it is not his ominous reputation that draws my attention; it is his angelic and irresistible allure that renders me breathless.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora