𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟕

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My eyes focused on a woman with dark lustrous mahogany hair. Her eyes, like the midnight sky, were filled with an intense darkness that mirrored her raging emotions. The expression on her face was contorted with pure anger, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Demetri positioned himself in front of her, his voice dripping with an icy command. Every word he spoke carried an authoritative weight that demanded immediate action. "You must take your leave. Right now," he declared in a tone that could freeze the hottest flame. Despite that, this vampire seemed unbowed by his authority. Her determination only grew stronger as she firmly resisted his order. I watched as she clung to Demetri's shirt with a stronghold, her fingers intertwining themselves in the fabric, unwilling to let go.

The sight infuriated me. Deep down, I longed to intervene, to do something, but the reality of my mortality loomed heavily over me. I was aware there was little I could do to separate the two. I can only stand there, a mere spectator, left to witness the unfairness of our disparate natures. Her choice of words was laced with spite. "No! You can't just toss me aside because your little whore of a mate arrived!" She accused him, and threatening growls could be heard from my mates and the previous queens who were present.

In a split second, Caius, fueled by fury, lunged towards the defiant woman. He seized her by the neck, his grip unforgiving as he forcefully smashed her against the cold tile floor. The impact not only left visible cracks on the damaged floor but also inflicted black cracks on her once-immaculate face. "If you ever speak about our mate like that again, I will rip you up limb from fucking limb. Do I make myself clear, Heidi?" He displayed a fierce expression as his lips curled back to reveal his pearly white fangs in a snarl. His eyes narrowed, reflecting a mix of determination and raw power. Heidi lacks a response, but she swiftly brings her legs up to Caius's stomach. With incredible strength, she throws him across the room, creating a loud crack reverberating through the throne room and sending dust and debris flying in its wake. It felt as though my soul was on the verge of splitting apart. I found myself standing there, mouth agape, trying in vain to utter a sound, but to my dismay, not a single syllable escaped my lips. My vocal cords were shackled by an invisible force, preventing any semblance of an outcry from escaping me.

The chaotic scene that develops thereafter seems to slow down, allowing me to witness every move as it unfolds right before my very eyes. My heart, once beating steadily within my chest, seemed to have plummeted to the bottom of my stomach. Her ferocity remains unabated as she lets out a menacing hiss and lunges toward me with a desire to tear my throat apart. She comes inches away from accomplishing this terrifying act, but a pair of hands suddenly grasp Heidi's head, their grip unyielding. It does not end there. Four more hands emerge from behind her, binding Heidi's arms. The forceful pulls exerted by the unseen figures cause a chilling and swift separation; her head is wrenched away from her body, severed from the physical vessel that once housed her thoughts and desires. Simultaneously, her arms are ripped apart from her torso, left hanging limply in mid-air. As her body dropped, I obtained a better view of the figures: Marcus, Demetri, and Felix.

Jane and Alec appeared beside them, holding a torch. Marcus reached out and took hold of the torch, igniting the flickering flames that danced on the scattered limbs, engulfing them in a mesmerizing display. They watched as the limbs withered away under the consuming heat. The commanding voice of Aro addressed the assembly with authority. The words, "You are dismissed," echoed, prompting everyone to take their leave, fading away into obscurity. Once the command was given, everyone disappeared in a blur out of the room, leaving behind only my mates. Caius appeared in front of me, momentarily startling me. His eyes met mine with genuine worry shining in them, yet I found relief in the simple fact that he was unharmed. Nothing else mattered to me but his well-being at this time. I rushed into his embrace, my arms enveloping his broad shoulders and bringing him closer to me. "You're okay," I whispered, my voice trembling and tears welling up in my eyes. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, knowing that one of the people I was beginning to care about deeply was safe and unharmed. "Of course, I'm okay, Cara," he reassured me gingerly, reaching out to pull me back so that he could see my face.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏Where stories live. Discover now