𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟓

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The drowsiness slowly fades away, and I find myself abruptly jolted into full awareness as my eyes meet a pair of crimson orbs. The shock of the sudden encounter caused a shriek to escape from the depths of my throat. In my panicked state, I lose my balance and clumsily tumble off the edge of the bed, my body colliding with the floor in a resounding thud. Stunned and disoriented by the circumstance, I managed to regain my composure and rise to an upright position, all the while attempting to decipher the puzzling presence that had caught me off guard.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I gasp. My eyes travel upward, seeking the vampire responsible for my momentary fright, and relief washes over me as the familiar countenance of Marcus comes into view. However, any semblance of calm immediately dissipates, vanquished by the sight of pure terror etched onto Marcus' face. A chill runs down my spine, the sudden drop of my heart seemingly agreeing with the gravity of the situation. "I was making sure you hadn't died; I could hear your heartbeat and breathing, but... I just had to make sure." He said, his voice trembling with emotion. Stepping towards him, I positioned myself in front of him, my hands reaching out to clasp his. With my fingers interlaced with his, I squeezed his hands.

"Look at me. Marcus, look at me. Allow me to share in your burden, your fears, and your uncertainties. I am here for you, just as you are here for me." The tenderness in my voice is a reflection of my growing affection for him. "Marcus, please," I implored. His eyes, heavy with the weight of his feelings, slowly lifted, finally meeting my own. It was as if our eyes became the conduit through which our souls connected, bridging the gap between our innermost thoughts and desires. I persisted, hoping to prompt him to confide in me, to let the floodgates of his emotions open, and to release the storms within his heart. "Talk to me," I whispered, my voice filled with empathy and a yearning to comprehend his inner turmoil.

"I can't bear to lose you." His voice drifted through the air, carrying with it pain and sorrow, venom tears that would never fall welling up in his eyes. This is about Didyme; he's scared to lose me, just like he lost her. "Marcus, I'm right here; you won't ever lose me, okay?" I besought him to understand and to believe that he need not suffer the same devastating loss again. I longed to ease the weight of his fears and shield him from the looming shadows that threatened to consume him. With every word that left my lips, I sought to imbue my promise with absolute conviction. My heart echoed his pain, empathetically mirroring his sorrow.

"Okay, mio tesoro." Once those words left his lips, I wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed in each other's arms until a hardly noticeable, persistent knock was heard on the door, disrupting our idyllic world. We reluctantly untangled ourselves. Disappointment and curiosity clouded my mind, and I wondered who could be interrupting us. The sound of the doorknob turning caught my attention, and I turned to see Caius peering through the slightly ajar door. "Aro wanted me to let you know that your food's waiting for you, Cara." A smile illuminated his face. "Thank you." Caius opened the door further, beckoning me to move forward. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Marcus as I intertwined my hand with his.

As we make our way outside the bedroom, we're bestowed with an amusing sight. At the front of the jet, Felix has Demetri ensnaring him in a firm chokehold. Meanwhile, a few steps away from this chaotic display, Alec and Jane remain unfazed by the commotion surrounding them. Engrossed in a game of chess, their focus remains as if nothing out of the ordinary is occurring. My attention moves away from the entangled duo and the unbothered chess players, and I find myself facing Aro. With his charisma and enigmatic presence, his voice cuts through the air like a gentle breeze. "Ah! My sweet!" he exclaims, a smile playing upon his lips. "How was your sleep?" He was perched on the previously cluttered table, now stripped of its paperwork. Aro sat in a relaxed manner. Now it serves as a makeshift dining area, showcasing a plate of Caponata flatbread.

Its vibrant colors and inviting aroma beckons me closer, promising a burst of flavors that will surely tantalize my taste buds. Accompanying this feast is a cup of pink juice, its hue reminiscent of a blush blooming on a summer's eve. With a warm smile on my face, I express my contentment by saying, "It was alright." As I make my way towards the perfectly set table, I can't help but be surprised that they know my fondness for Caponata flatbread. "How did you know I liked Caponata flatbread?" I asked curiously. Taking a seat at the table, I notice Marcus settling down beside me, followed by Caius, who takes a seat beside Aro, who is positioned right in front of me.

Aro responds with a playful glint in his eye and a knowing smile playing on his lips: "Since you were asleep, I took it upon myself to contact Carlisle, requesting him to inform me about your preferred cuisine. I wanted to make sure I could cater to your preferences and provide you with a delicious dining experience. I hope it's to your liking." A gesture towards the plate before me indicates that he took his task seriously, ensuring that the selection of food before me is indeed to my liking. Feeling thankful for Aro's thoughtfulness, I dig into the dish without any hesitation. When the first bite touches my tongue, my taste buds dance with glee as a burst of delectable flavors unravels, instantly melting in my mouth. The harmonious blend of ingredients in the Caponata flatbread creates a symphony of taste sensations that I can't help but savor, allowing each flavor to linger and mix. The combination of textures, from the softness of the bread to the tender vegetables and spices, adds depth to the experience.

As I continue to relish each morsel, I notice the balance of sweet and savory flavors at play, which seem to magically complement one another. The tangy undertones of the capers and vinegar perfectly counterbalance the natural sweetness of the roasted eggplant and caramelized onions, creating an enticing contrast. The hints of garlic, basil, and olive oil infuse the dish with a Mediterranean flair, adding an irresistible aroma that further elevates the dining experience. The expertly prepared Caponata flatbread not only satisfies my hunger but also leaves me feeling truly gratified and appreciative of the careful consideration that went into every aspect of this meal.

"This is the best Caponata flatbread I've ever had! Whoever made this is an outstanding cook," I say, complimenting the unknown chef. Strangely enough, Aro looks away in what seems like shyness. Caius, with his usual straightforwardness, revealed the true origin of this culinary masterpiece. "Aro was the one to prepare it for you." Reacting quickly to Caius's revelation, Aro turned towards Caius and smacked him on the back of the head. "Do that again, and you're dead; this time it's permanent," he yells at Aro. I found myself giggling uncontrollably, thoroughly entertained by them. I turned towards Marcus, who had been observing the scene with a gentle smile on his face, fully engrossed in my amusement. His twinkling eyes reflected the happiness that filled the area, matching the positive energy emanating from all of us.

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