𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟗

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The past few weeks have undeniably been filled with unforgettable memories as my mates have taken me on a series of dates. Each outing has been distinct in its own right. Aro initiated these dates by surprising me with a visit to a carnival. The place boomed with laughter and the sweet scents of cotton candy and popcorn as we walked through the lively grounds, indulging in rides that made my heart race with exhilaration. The kaleidoscope of vibrant lights and the sound of music created a whimsical aura. Next, Marcus whisked me away to a charming library café, a quaint haven for book lovers and coffee aficionados alike. We spent hours immersed in literature, our minds drifting away into captivating tales while I savored a steaming cup of coffee. The tranquil atmosphere and the hushed murmurs of fellow patrons provided the perfect backdrop for our conversations, allowing us to connect on a deeper level while admiring the beauty of words and the power they possess.

Caius took me to the most popular Italian restaurant in town. When I stepped foot into the warm and welcoming eatery, the inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering sauces reached my nostrils. The exquisite flavors of classic pasta dishes and the perfectly paired wines tantalized my taste buds, granting me a culinary experience that will forever reign as the pinnacle of indulgence. Keeping the surprises rolling, Felix charmed me with a trip to the cinema. We found ourselves reclining comfortably in plush seats, surrounded by the anticipation and excitement shared by Potterheads. The silver screen came alive as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 started playing. We were completely captivated by the enchanting world of Harry Potter. As the credits rolled, I found myself a teary-eyed, sniffling mess. Without a doubt, Severus Snape was and will forever be my absolute favorite character. Always.

Under the night sky, Demetri arranged an evening of stargazing that left me in awe of the universe's vast beauty. The darkness was illuminated by countless twinkling stars. As we lay on a soft blanket, Demetri expertly pointed out constellations, sharing fascinating stories behind their celestial formations that both captivated and educated me. Lastly, joining forces with Jane, Alec treated us to a day filled with love and laughter at an amusement park. We stepped through the entrance, and immediately we were greeted with excited screams, laughter, and the infectious melody of merry-go-rounds. My heart raced as we braved thrilling roller coasters, spun in dizzying teacups, and played games, creating memories that will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Each outing provided me with a unique experience, be it in the form of heart-pounding adventures, soulful conversations, culinary delights, movie heartbreaks, celestial wonders, or laughter-filled moments. Throughout this week, though, our encounters have decreased. They've been occupied with various trials and obligations. Admittedly, the only person I've consistently seen is Jane, who has been assigned as my "personal" guard stationed just outside my bedroom door. However, a weird feeling has recently plagued me, intensifying with each passing day. My physical state has become characterized by sporadic moments of intense heat coursing through my veins. To make matters worse, my dreams have become heavily laden with vivid, wet dreams, resulting in an unsettling combination of extreme heat and pleasurable temptation.

Regrettably, today has been particularly bad for me. The fire-like sensation within my body has intensified exponentially, causing excruciating pain that seems to radiate from my abdomen to my entire body. This agonizing torment continues unabated, making even the simplest activities seem overwhelming. But what confuses me even more is the uncontrollable lust that has taken over my thoughts, surpassing any previous day's sensations.

Feeling utterly defeated, I find my strength wavering as I struggle to crawl out of bed, my body feeling incredibly weary and drained of energy. Every movement seems like a monumental task, but my determination pushes me forward, inch by unbearable inch, toward the door. With aching fingers, I manage to turn the doorknob and pull it open just a crack. With whatever energy I have left, I manage to call out a weak "Jane." I wait anxiously for a response, hoping that my mate will come to my aid.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏Where stories live. Discover now