𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟖

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We walked through the garden, rendering any words unnecessary just yet. With every step we took, delicate and vivid flowers graced the sides of the path, creating a picturesque scene. The scrupulously arranged benches scattered throughout the garden enticed us to pause and appreciate the surrounding beauty, inviting moments of contemplation or intimate conversations. Yet Demetri kept going. As we moved forward, we reached a breathtaking sight. A water fountain embellished the center of the garden, its ancient features capturing my attention. In the heart of the fountain, a resplendent statue stood proudly, sculpted with grace and elegance. The water, propelled with gentle force, danced playfully as it cascaded from the statue's outstretched arms, creating a symphony of soothing sounds.

Demetri gracefully settled himself on one of the nearby benches, his hand extending to mine and inviting me to join him. The bench appeared to have been strategically placed, allowing visitors to bask in the presence of the fountain and immerse themselves in its ethereal ambiance. As I took my place beside Demetri, the coolness of the bench embraced me, offering respite from the warmth of the sun. Sitting side by side, we allowed ourselves to be surrounded by the harmonious atmosphere that the garden had placed on us. The sound of flowing water, the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the touch of a soft breeze created a sensory harmony that kindled a wellspring of emotions within us. "Who takes care of this place?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Aro has a deep passion for collecting flowers; he enjoys nurturing and caring for them. He even has a personally handpicked gardener to ensure that everything is maintained in perfect order, just as he desires." This amuses Demetri greatly, as he appreciates the irony of needing additional assistance despite Aro's dedication. The care Aro shows for his flowers brings a smile to my face. My attention is diverted as I turn my gaze to Demetri, who has been casting glances in my direction. The intensity with which Demetri stares at me is palpable. He addresses me, his voice laced with genuine remorse and anguish. "Fiore Mio... I'm truly sorry." Demetri apologizes, his face betraying the weight of his regret.

"I know you are Demetri, and I will grant you my forgiveness, but if you ever withhold such important information from me again, I won't be so forgiving." I addressed him, each word filled with sincerity. "Of course, I would expect nothing less from you." We peered deeply into each other's eyes. As if compelled, our bodies involuntarily leaned closer, our lips on the verge of union before... "Alexis!" A voice shattered our compulsion, abruptly halting our progression toward one another. I shifted my eyes to the source of the interruption; they instantly locked on the immortals making their way toward us. Jane and Alec. Their arrival overshadowed the moment, transforming it into one drenched in embarrassment. We scrambled to restore our composure, hastily stepping away from each other.

"It seems that the hour is growing late, and the kings wish for us to show you to your bedroom." Jane and Alec finish each other's sentences, warm smiles lighting up their faces. They swiftly directed their attention to Demetri. "The kings require your assistance in the throne room." Alec conveyed the summons from the kings. Demetri nodded in confirmation before planting a sweet kiss on my forehead and vanishing into the castle. The twins gesture for me to follow them up a flight of stairs. We walked into a hallway that diverged from the aesthetic of its counterparts. We found ourselves betwixt a labyrinth of doors, each embroidered with golden initials: F, D, A, J, C, M, and A. I wondered what secrets lay behind each door. "This part of the castle is exclusive for the elite guards, the kings, and now... you." Jane shared as if sensing my thoughts.

We finally arrived at a particular wooden door. It was situated at the far end, far from the entrance, implying that they had to bypass a total of seven other doors along the way before reaching this part of the castle. This door stood out from the rest, adorned with a distinctive golden emblem in the shape of the letter "A" and a wooden carved phoenix around it. Without hesitation, Alec set his hand on the door handle and placed his fingertips on the smooth surface before giving it a decisive push. "This is your new room, my love." Welcoming them was a flood of inviting illumination as Jane flicked on the light switch. The walls of the room revealed themselves to be painted in a rich, velvety shade of dark red, with no windows in sight.

Despite the perceived seclusion, my attention was quickly captured by the presence of glass doors at the far end of the room. They were decorated with opulent blackout curtains; these curtains had been carefully designed to grant privacy at any moment, shielding the interior from prying eyes. Their dark fabric created an intriguing contrast against the vibrant red walls that enclosed the room. As they ventured to the double doors, their steps were embraced by exquisite birch hardwood flooring.

At last, we reached the balcony, revealing a display of natural beauty. Lush greenery enveloped the castle garden, a tapestry of colors painting the landscape beneath the radiant rays of sunlight. The birds danced in the trees, serenading their audience with their melodic chirps. "The garden's even more beautiful from above," I say, reaching for Jane and Alec's shining hands. "It is, isn't it?" Jane replied.

After a while of standing there, we stepped back inside. To my right, four distinct doors stood, each tempting me to uncover the mysteries that lay beyond them. I'll explore them on my own. On the left side of the room, an expansive bed with sleek, black bedding stood. Its size stunned me, for it was spacious enough to comfortably accommodate all of us, despite my petite stature. As a vampire, sleep had long been rendered pointless, making me question the necessity of such a grandiose resting place for someone as diminutive as myself.

My twin mates decided to take a much-needed break and let me indulge in a delightful dinner. After that, we spent the remaining hours getting to know each other. As the day gradually transitioned into night, I attended to my personal hygiene routine. I welcomed a soothing bubble bath, allowing the lukewarm water to wash away any fatigue or stress, revitalizing both my body and spirit. Subsequently, with each stroke of the toothbrush, the refreshing foaming toothpaste invigorated my senses, leaving me with a pristine smile. With my freshly rejuvenated self, I bid adieu to the day by retiring to my comfortable and welcoming bed. I nestled within its cozy covers, knowing that Jane and Alec were diligently keeping a watchful eye on me. I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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