Chapter 4

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Ibeth emerged from the room quietly.

She didn't manage to sleep much longer. Early that morning, she wiggled out from her comfortable space beside Hope and tiptoed to her room, hoping Klaus wouldn't ambush her on the way there.

Her breakfast consisted of fruit snacks and some pop tarts. She took a shower with classical music filling the entire bathroom, just enough to soothe her but still allowing her to sense if anyone came near her room with the intention of getting in.

She considered staying in her room all day. But she knew that her wolves would question why she wasn't interacting with them, why she hadn't participated in their training with Hayley.

With her head held as high as possible, she went into the courtyard. To her surprise, the wolves were packing small bags, as if for a day trip into the Bayou.

"What's going on?" she muttered to Aiden, hoping the wolves wouldn't notice how confused she was.

"Klaus said for us to head to the Bayou for the day to practice in a more open space," said Aiden, not questioning why she didn't know about this. He had his suspicions. "Hayley's coming with us. I... am not sure you're supposed to, though."

She raised a brow. "And why wouldn't I?"

"Because he's standing on the balcony staring at you."

She dared to look up, noting that he was right. Klaus was staring right at her. He nodded his head to the side, as if to motion for her to come upstairs. Without saying anything, he walked toward his art room.

"Everything okay?" asked Aiden, reaching out for her arm and lifting her sleeve.

"What are you doing?" she inquired, wiggling away. "If you're checking for bruises, you won't find any. Supernatural healing factor, remember? One that got more potent when the wedding happened. He didn't hurt me physically. He hasn't... yet. Things just got heated last night. Don't tell anyone, especially not Jackson. Hayley knows. You know. That's enough. If I'm really worried, I will tell Rebekah."

"Ibeth... should I stay behind in case something happens? I don't think Elijah and Rebekah are home and Hayley is gonna be gone soon, too. It'd just be you and him."

She shook her head. "No. I don't want him hurting you. Considering he didn't murder me in the past hour I was alone in my room, I think he's cooled down."

"The wolves are getting curious. Asking me stuff about your marriage. They know you tell me everything."

"If they're curious, they can ask me. What do they want to know? Whether I'm happy or not? Because I think it's fairly obvious, as it is with any royal marriage. It was done because it was our duty. Not because we were in love. It's not uncommon."

"They're wondering if you're going to like... consummate the marriage... and introduce a new pack member to strengthen the alliance."

She stared blankly at him. "If they want new pack members they can fuck him themselves. We're not going to have a child for the sake of an alliance. He is a good dad. He is. But we are a long way from having that discussion. If it ever is able to happen."

Aiden leaned closer. "Are you like, required to—? I remember Jackson saying, when Hayley first proposed the idea to him, that he felt nervous about having to 'live as a married couple.' And like, married couples sleep together regularly. They sleep in the same room in general."

"I'd rather have my own space. Unless it is outlined in some ancient text that I have a duty to be in bed with him, I won't do it until— if ever— he shows me that he is a good man worthy of my respect, my trust, and my affection. He seems like he'd be really judgmental and just... rough. Admittedly..." she lowered her voice as much as possible, "She wants to."

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