Chapter 20

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The Strix lived in luxury.

"This is nice," she muttered as one of the vampires led her in. "I didn't even know this place was here."

The vampire side-eyed her and didn't respond. "Real fancy," she continued. "I love these floors. Damn. I thought really old vampires would be more talkative."

"We are not friends to your kind," the vampire sneered.

"Okay, well, fuck you," she muttered under her breath, knowing very well he heard her. "Good thing I'm here to meet Tristan and not you."

The man stopped in front of a large set of double doors with golden handles. He knocked, and a voice inside called out, "Enter."

He opened the door, allowing her in. Tristan was waiting for her in a small parlor with a fireplace, burning feebly but warming up the room for her.

"Mrs. Mikaelson-Kenner," said Tristan, standing up to bow and offering his hand to greet her. She took it, and he raised it to kiss it respectfully. "Alpha and Queen of the Crescent Wolves and the city of New Orleans. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"I unfortunately don't know what titles you hold other than being leader of The Strix, but um, nice to meet you, too," she said, sitting in the armchair across from him. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"Of course. I imagined it was an important matter considering Lucien reached out to me. I admit, I'm stunned that you are here. I cannot imagine your husband would condone this."

"He doesn't know I'm here. But Lucien does, and if he doesn't hear back from me, he will tell them."

"My dear, I've no desire to harm you. I wish to hear what you have to say."

"I have a proposal for you."

"It appears you're often the one initiating proposals. I'm listening."

"I know you all are afraid of what may happen if the Mikaelsons meet their doom. Be it with this prophecy or another threat on the horizon. I know you all want to be free. Lucien allowed me to become aware of what you and your sister suffered alongside him due to Elijah's compulsion. It's awful and I can imagine all you want is to get your sister and get the hell out of here. If I were you, I also wouldn't want any association with the Mikaelsons. I would also be looking for weapons to protect myself to keep them from meeting their doom. Admittedly they do have a lot of close shaves as of late and I know that's not going to stop. Aurora seems to be acting out because of fear. She kidnapped Rebekah out of a fear of dying. She kidnapped me out of a fear of not being loved. I get it, and I get wanting to protect your sister and make sure she's safe. I believe it is in our mutual best interests for you all to leave the city. In order to do that in a way that benefits you and The Strix and your sister... I say we help you all be free."

Tristan raised a brow. "Continue..."

"We will perform a spell to unlink the Mikaelsons from all their sirelings. With that link vanished, your lives will no longer rest on their shoulders. You will be free. We will deal with the prophecy on our own but at least we will face no further animosity with your family or The Strix. My family lives here, my brother goes to school here. I don't want this to become a warzone and I don't think you want that, either. Circumstances have recently changed with Davina Claire, but my original idea was that she, Freya, and perhaps now my friend Vincent could perform the spell. It would be completely in our control but it would get done. Obviously we are still at a bit of a loss, I think the only one who could really figure this out is Kol because he actually studied under Esther. That's a problem for another day."

She leaned forward. "What I ask is simple. We choose the witches, where and when it happens. It's a big spell, I'm sure one way or another you'll have proof that it was done. And you have my word it will be. This conversation also ensures it will happen because now you know about it— the idea is out, and exposed to you. As soon as we get Rebekah back safely, you get Aurora back safely. We will begin our preparations and once the spell is done, you all leave and we call it a day. What do you say?"

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