Chapter 28

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May 26, 2019

"Wake up, my little prince."

The little boy shook his head, bringing the blanket over his head. "Sleepy."

She leaned over, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Sweetheart, it's time to go. We're ready."

The five-year-old on the bed wiggled, scrunching up his nose and stifling a yawn. "Grandma Mary's here?"

"Yes. And we have a long drive ahead of us. Today's the day. You're going to meet your sister."

He perked up, rubbing his eyes. "Today?"

"Yes, baby, today. Come on, let's get you dressed."

"Mama," he whined, stretching his arms above his head. "Can you help me?"

Ibeth smiled, pulling him to stand up. "Of course, Jayden. Let's brush your teeth first. Ooh—" she struggled to pick him up, "I think you grew overnight, buddy."

"Yeah I did," he said confidently (albeit tiredly) as he hugged her while she carried him to the bathroom. "Uncle Nick says if I sleep a lot it helps me grow."

"He's right about that." She set him on his step stool. "Brush your teeth by yourself while I go finish packing our breakfast. Your grandma's loading the car. Call if you need help."

"Don't need help," he said confidently. "I'm a big boy."

"That you are. Make sure you brush for two minutes. Set your timer."

She skipped back into the kitchen, arranging all sorts of snacks, drinks, and pre-wrapped sandwiches in a large bag, tying the two handles together. She made quick work of wiping down the counters, making sure all was clean for when they returned. Before throwing the paper away, she stopped, staring out the window and watching as Kurt and Nick helped Mary load the bags for their 'camping trip.'

She remembered standing at this very spot many times. Staring out the same window. Each time, a different thought ran through her mind.

She stood there the day after all went silent in New Orleans following the Fall of the Mikaelsons. Holding her stomach and watching her wolves mingle with Kurt and Nick after she named them her Betas.

She stood there on Jackson's birthday, and Oliver's, and Aiden's, each time thinking she saw her brothers' faces in the glass. By then her bump had gotten so big she couldn't rest against the counter.

She was there on Thanksgiving, recalling that just a year prior to that day, she'd been single and hiking through the Bayou to get some dinner to Ansel and Jackson, because they were still intent on hiding themselves away where no one could find them.

And she was there on Christmas Eve almost six years ago, preparing herself to walk out to dinner.

A sharp pain shot through her stomach as she watched her wolves. Grimacing, she stepped back, groaning as another followed it.

"Ibeth!" Her grandmother ran to her side. "Is it time?"

"I think it might be," she said, leaning back on the table and closing her eyes as she felt her water break. "Oh, just as I was wanting to go out and serve myself an entire chunk of ham..."

She was laid down on all her blankets in front of the fireplace, warming her up and keeping her comfortable. Kurt remained outside to supervise the rest of the dinner, and would soon instruct the wolves to head back to their homes. They'd celebrate something more than Christmas tomorrow. The festivities overnight could wait until their Alpha's labor was complete.

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