Chapter 16

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"Come in, love."

Ibeth nodded politely, stepping into the luxurious penthouse apartment Lucien lived in. "Fancy place you've got here."

"And at such a good price, too," said Lucien, flashing her a smile. "I admit, I was surprised when you messaged me asking to visit."

"There's something I need to ask you. Since you wish to help me."

"Anything, love, I'm at your service. Here, sit." He beckoned her toward the couches. "Would you like anything to drink? Alcoholic, non-alcoholic?"

"I'm good, thanks," she said, getting comfortable. He brought a bottle of bourbon and two glasses anyway, setting them on the table between them before settling on the couch opposite her. "Elijah came with news last night. He spoke to Tristan de Martel. Who is here in the city."

Lucien's jaw tightened. "Of course he is. No doubt with his menagerie of vampires."

"His cult, yes," said Ibeth seriously, causing him to chuckle.

"Thank you!" he said. "Ah, none of them wish to accept that they are quite literally the prime example of a cult. Do continue."

"Well, Tristan told Elijah about some object capable of killing the Originals. And he pointed him in your direction. So I must ask... do you know what he's talking about? If so, could you help us locate this object or perhaps give it to me if you're in possession of it?"

"That's going to be a bit of a problem," said Lucien. "Because I've not yet found it."

"But you know what you're looking for, I assume?"

"Yes." He stood and went to retrieve a small journal, offering it to her. "It is called the Serratura. It's a thin medallion with runic markings, probably about the size of a hand. Well—" he reached out to take her hand, pressing their palms together and comparing. His was significantly larger. "Perhaps my hand. It is meant to create an impenetrable boundary, one which the living and dead cannot cross. Say, for example, that medallion was placed over the Compound. All of you would be trapped in there for eternity. And none of us in the outside world would be able to enter."

"Oh," she said, gulping as she pulled her hand away. "That's pretty dangerous. The Originals may be immortals who can live off of blood but I need food. And I can't very well have my people trapped in there, starving and serving as potential blood bags to the Originals."

"Precisely. Which is why I mean to find it and give it to Klaus myself, before Tristan could think to use it against your family."

"But why would he do that?"

"My assumption is for protection. He may lock the Originals away and thus render them safe from harm. No one would be able to reach them and murder them with any shred of white oak that remains."

"You say that as if you believe there is more white oak," said Ibeth. "But it's all gone, I know it is."

"Is it? I know the Originals were shocked to find a sapling in Mystic Falls. Winds and people travel. There could have been another tree. We simply don't know where it ended up or if its wood was used. That is the next problem to solve. For now, I must locate the Serratura. I am simply at a loss. I've acquired many magical items, but none have what I seek. I believe I may need to look at the collections housed within this city. I know many were created here, by Kol Mikaelson himself and other witches with sinister intentions. Only a New Orleans Regent could activate this device to be used. It has to be within this city, I'm sure of it. Where, however, is a mystery."

Ibeth pursed her lips. "Only a Regent could activate it? Does that mean Davina is in danger?"

"She will be if Tristan gets his hands on it. You'd be doing her a service if you warn her. I ask you a question now, love, since you are a leader and know the other communities better than I do. Is there anywhere I can look through dark objects? I believe the Serratura may be hidden within one, which could be why I haven't located it yet."

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