Chapter 6

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The violence started early the next morning.

Jackson and Hayley had taken Hope for a walk around the city while Ibeth ran drills with the wolves, reinforcing what Hayley taught them the previous day.

Less than an hour after they left, they came back with Klaus snarling about Dahlia and all sorts of other nonsense that she didn't understand. The wolves were asked to keep guard of the courtyard, and a family meeting was set. Freya, who had been planning to move in that afternoon, had to arrive without the majority of her things in order to participate.

"Isn't that the point of a fortress?" Klaus growled once Aiden had been tasked with keeping an eye on Jackson. "It does a better job of protecting you when you stay within its walls?"

"Okay!" said Hayley, appearing both annoyed and embarrassed. "We get it. Now, let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do."

"What I would like to do is take a strong leash—"

Elijah interrupted, "Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified. However, Hayley is quite right."

Hayley shrugged, casting Klaus a smug look as Elijah continued, "We need to find a new strategy. Freya, if you please?"

The witch sighed defeatedly. "The spell you described... Dahlia calls it 'kenning' — using proxies to watch her enemies from afar."

"That's a little weird," said Ibeth. "She uses a 'kenning' spell on my brother, Jackson Kenner, to announce herself for the first time."

Nobody found her comment amusing. She pursed her lips together to remain quiet as Freya continued, "But I've never seen it done on quite this scale."

"Awesome," said Hayley. "So, basically every Hurricane-chugging, boob-flashing tourist on Bourbon Street is a potential spy."

"The good news is," Freya piped up more hopefully, "I know a little about how her magic works." She gestured to a prepared tray with a silver tea kettle and six tea cups full of brown liquid. "This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."

"Teach me to make that, please," said Ibeth as Rebekah started handing the teacups out. "I want all my wolves ingesting it so they can't be used as spies. And perhaps it would be a good idea if we passed it along to those we closely associate with. Marcel's vampires, a few of the New Orleans witches."

"Of course," said Freya. "It requires no spell casting, I can teach you the recipe. It is very precise—"

"I have a steady hand," said Ibeth. "I learn quickly. I follow instructions well. I'll do it right."

Freya managed a smile. "Good. Let us drink."

Rebekah noticed everyone was hesitant, considering the tonic didn't smell very good. "Well, come on! This should work like a charm! Bottoms up!"

They all drank, except for Klaus. Elijah, upon finishing his, offered him his cup. Klaus only stared at it. "Niklaus," Elijah sighed, "is there something you wish to contribute?"

The hybrid shrugged. "I prefer biscuits with my tea."

Elijah rolled his eyes. "Of course."

"Besides," added Klaus, "our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells."

Ibeth snorted. "Yeah, right."

Klaus snapped his head in her direction. "What did you say?"

With all eyes on her, she felt nervous about speaking. But, given she wasn't alone in a room with Klaus, she felt brave enough to say, "I just mean, well, you drank a tad too much last night and I had to help you walk straight. Your brain was affected, despite how strong you claim to be. If alcohol can do that to you, maybe a bit of extra protection with this tonic wouldn't be so bad, just in case. 'Cause I can imagine a witch's magic is a hell of a lot stronger than some ethanol. I think everyone in this house and everyone we see often should drink this. Minimizing the risk that someone from within can be used against us. I don't doubt Dahlia could try to lure us out. If we can't be mind-controlled by her, it gives us somewhat of an edge. I honestly think that even Hope should drink it. What if Dahlia can hitch a ride in her mind and make her crawl out the window, or something? I may be overthinking but it just feels smarter to drink."

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