Chapter 26

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They weren't sure what to do.

"Lucien thought that killing Jackson would have me charging into his lair on a suicide mission," deduced Klaus angrily. "He either expected I'd enact revenge on behalf of Ibeth or I'd be there with Hayley who'd be doing it for the same reason. When we didn't exit the Compound for more than the funeral, he set his sights on Rebekah. He's kicking hornets' nests, until we have no choice but to confront him."

"He knows she's somewhere nearby, he has to," said Freya. "He saw her be stabbed with that cursed stake, he will assume we put her down but though I cloaked her and everyone in this house, with the Ancestors working for him, he'll find out she's in the Bayou soon enough."

"I'll go get her," said Klaus immediately.

"It's not safe out there!"

"What then?" demanded Klaus. "Are we to sit here and play cards until Lucien slides Rebekah's bitten corpse down the hall? You remain here, aid Freya in the spell. Prevent Kol from suffering any further losses."

"Wait," said Ibeth before he could rush out. "Just... be careful."

He managed a smile. "I'll do my best."

Ibeth heard Hayley outside moments later, convincing him to let her accompany him. She was glad he wasn't going alone. But she was still nervous knowing the two of them were exposing themselves to Lucien. She knew why Klaus was so insistent on being the one to go. Mostly because he wanted to be in control of the situation, but also because he knew that Lucien would be gunning for him. At least now he'd be luring Lucien away from his home and from his family.

She occupied herself by heading downstairs to watch Davina's resurrection, hoping it might bring her some comfort and some hope. She sat on the stairs again, leaning on the railing as Freya set a Hand of Glory on the table, reaching out to hold Elijah's hand.

"Freya," said Kol worriedly. "I need this to work."

"Don't worry, brother," said Freya. "Eleventh hour spells happen to be my specialty. Tell Vincent to begin the consecration."

Marcel reached for his phone, sending the text. He and Kol stood beside one another on the other side of the circle. Freya began to chant, "Se que atrae us van el brun'en. Se que atrae us van el brun'en."

Ibeth watched as the air within the circle began to ripple. Elijah grunted in pain as Freya sucked out his power for the spell, aiming at the Hand of Glory to summon Davina. At last, she appeared half-screaming, stumbling into the ring of black sand.

"Whatever it is you did," she said fearfully when she registered her surroundings, "Thank you."

"What happened?" asked Kol immediately, reaching out to touch her, but finding himself unable to due to the invisible boundary created by the circle. "What did you see?"

"Van's mother, Kara Nguyen," explained Davina, wiping some blood off of her forehead. "The witch I had assassinated. She was there. She tried to magically mark me. As she did it, I felt freezing cold and then this impossible sadness."

Kol frowned. "Did she have a dark green stone?" When Davina nodded, he scowled. "La Gemme Vital. The Lifeblood Stone. They tried to use it on me, but my vampire soul was too stained for their magic to work. Davina, if she had succeeded at marking you, your very soul would have shredded into pieces. A fate worse than death. There'd be no rescuing you. All right, that stone is your Ancestors' greatest punishment."

Davina gulped. "Well, it's a good thing she didn't then. I'm right here, and you're going to bring me back. Today, right?"

"I swear it," promised Kol. "Vincent and I will get Van Nguyen to help us. We'll have the magic to resurrect you soon. I'll be right back." He smiled warmly and headed out the door.

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