Chapter 5

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Hope looked bored.

"Not exciting enough for you?" asked Ibeth, scooping her up to rock her back to sleep once Hayley and Klaus had dragged the woman down to be bound with cuffs that'd keep her from performing magic.

The baby's babbling let her know that she expected more out of a rescue mission. "Good for you, having high expectations," said Ibeth, tickling her chin. "Are you alright, sweetheart? I don't smell or sense blood..."

She gurgled in response, reaching for Ibeth's wedding band again and trying to remove it. "No, sweetie, that stays on, remember? I always have it on."

She brought Ibeth's finger into her mouth in protest.

"How about this," said Ibeth, "I get you a necklace and a ring of your own when you're old enough. Shh..." she bounced her a few times, rubbing her back. "Sleep, sleep... we'll handle all that downstairs, you just rest, okay? Everything will be alright. You're safe."

Hope refused to go back to sleep. Ibeth waited up with her, seated in the rocking chair and moving back and forth, ending up feeling more tired than Hope did. She fought hard to stay awake, until Hayley walked back up to update her.

"Klaus and Elijah are gonna handle things," she said sleepily. "You got her just before she could escape. Freya thinks she can get her back in control, but it won't be easy. Marcel already went to get Vincent Griffith, we need someone there to weaken her defenses. With any luck, the witches will have a conformation within a few hours that Eva Sinclair is gone for good."

"Glad to hear that," said Ibeth. "Should I—?"

"No, let them handle it. You need sleep. Thanks for watching her... hi, princess." She took Hope back into her arms. "Come on, let's go get some rest, okay? Let Ibeth sleep."

Hope whined, reaching out for Ibeth. "Ah, you're not tired at all, are you?" said Ibeth. "Sweetheart, I'm actually pretty sleepy."

She started to pout as if she might cry. "But," said Ibeth hesitantly, "maybe your mama and you are up for another sleepover with me? Perhaps we could tire each other out."

"What do you say, Hope?" asked Hayley. "Think that'd be fun?"

Hope gurgled in agreement. Ibeth smiled weakly and went to lay on the other side of Hayley's bed, while Hope settled herself in the middle. She stayed awake as long as she could, watching as Hope rolled around and waved her stuffed animals around, making them talk to one another. It seemed her playing had the intended effect. Soon enough she was curling up next to Hayley, sucking on her thumb and pressing her cheek to her mother's shoulder.

Ibeth allowed herself to sleep past her usual alarms. By the time she came downstairs, Klaus and Elijah were back. Judging by the fact neither looked severely distraught, things had gone well with Rebekah.

"Ibeth," said Elijah before she could exit the dining hall. "A word, please?"

Elijah still scared her a bit. She knew what he was capable of, just as she knew what Rebekah was capable of in her vampire body. But Elijah in particular reminded her of a teacher at school. She hadn't much experience with school but she knew what it was like to answer to any authority figure, and she always felt she would be scolded when she spoke to him.

"Everything alright?" she asked calmly once they were in his study.

"Yes," he said. "I imagine Niklaus wasn't going to explain to you what transpired with my sister, therefore I will take it upon myself to do so. Freya was successful in her spell. Unfortunately, Niklaus took initiative to force Freya to see my mother, the very woman who abandoned her and allowed her to fall into Dahlia's control. I know you are familiar with the story."

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