Chapter 31

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A/N: I received a surprising number of requests to end the story here to have a happy ending. Unfortunately, as I did warn you guys from the beginning that I had a planned sad ending, I cannot be convinced to do that.

THEREFORE if you seek a happy ending, probably best you stop reading here cause The Hollow storyline is about to start. You can pretend Klaus, Hayley, Ibeth, and Elijah got to live together in a house somewhere safe, the kids got to go to school normally and eventually went to the Salvatore Boarding School, everyone is happy for the most part and Ibeth and Klaus would've had baby #3 before she turned into a hybrid.

Stick around if you want further angst and want to see what really happens ;)


Jayden demanded a bubble bath.

"And I want Papa to make the bubbles," said Jayden, crossing his arms over his chest, wrapping himself in his duck towel.

Hope, who had already bathed on her own and was sitting patiently while Ibeth dried her hair, smiled at him. "You can make him a bubble crown," she suggested to Klaus.

Klaus must have never drawn a bubble bath for anyone, because he looked at his wife and raised his brow, as if asking what he needed to do. "Er... a bubble crown might be nice."

"Here," Ibeth said, offering him a hair dryer and brush. "Dry Hope's hair, I'll get the bubbles."

"No, Mama!" complained Jayden. "I want Papa to do it!"

"He can do it, I just need to get the bottles that make them. Besides, what's wrong with the way I make bubbles?"

"Nothing, I just want Papa to do it. To see if he's better at it."

"In all honesty," said Klaus, gently running the brush through Hope's hair, "I am not sure I can make bubbles better than your mother. The quality will either be the same or poorer."

"You can't make things 'poor,'" said Jayden. "You're rich, everybody knows that."

"Jayden," warned Ibeth. "Think about what you said again, and think whether you meant it to sound nice or sound not-so-nice. What did you mean to say?"

"I'm saying facts!" said Jayden indignantly. "It's a fact he's rich! And everybody does know it." Under his breath he added, "Everybody that matters."

Klaus couldn't help but chuckle, despite knowing Ibeth probably didn't want him encouraging that behavior. "Well, my littlest wolf, I am a King. And you two are my little prince and princess. What's mine is yours. Though, we aim for a comfortable existence. Not a lavish one. Being humble will be good for the two of you."

"I just want the best bubbles," said Jayden. "A King should be able to make the best bubbles."

"Actually," said Hope, putting her bracelet back on, "I make the best bubbles because I can do magic."

"Then I want Hope to make my bubbles, not Papa or Mama."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," said Ibeth. "Hope's not supposed to do magic, for safety."

"I can do it," said Hope. "I want to."

"She can do really good magic," said Jayden, nodding his head. "When Grandma Mary was here, she healed a butterfly."

Hope glared at him as if he wasn't supposed to say that. "What?" said Jayden. "It's not bad."

"My love," said Ibeth, kneeling in front of her son as Klaus started to pour the soap into the tub, "it isn't bad that she can do magic or that she uses it to help people, animals, and insects. It's just that we want her to learn properly so nobody gets hurt. We want someone to be supervising all the time, too. Let's try to minimize how much secret magic we do, okay? Not because we think it's bad but because we want to keep you both safe."

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