Chapter 14

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Klaus came to her room.

Ibeth had locked herself inside several hours prior, cleaning and reorganizing out of pure frustration. She heard him knock the first time and didn't open it. When he knocked again, much louder, she forced herself toward the door.

"Here," he said, handing her a bag with a box inside. "The Plan B you requested."

"This isn't enough," she said, annoyed. "I need wolfsbane, too. Maybe even some vervain. And whatever herb hurts witches."

"I will not provide you with wolfsbane. It will only harm you."

"It's not like you really care about what does and doesn't harm me, Klaus. You harm me."

His eyes flickered to the floor. "You ought not have put your trust in me."

"You say that now because some miniscule part of you felt bad when I said it. But I should be able to trust you. This isn't my fault, so don't you dare pin this on me. Acknowledge that you are fucking terrible at telling people important things. You always go for whatever is best for you but you don't stop for a moment to think about how it affects the rest of us." She closed the door in his face.

His hand shot up immediately with the intention of breaking it down, refusing to allow her to end the conversation. But he held back. He heard her removing the box of Plan B from it, but not opening it. With a grunt, he walked off.

Hayley was the next person who came to see her. Ibeth had messaged her asking to acquire some wolfsbane and vervain, which the hybrid did for her without question.

"Oh, Ibeth," whispered Hayley when the wolf burst into tears as soon as she accepted the small package in her hand.

"Now I don't know if I can do it," said Ibeth, staring at the three items in her palm. "If I do, it could all just be over. I won't have to worry about putting any potential baby in danger. But if I take this, it could hurt really bad. And it won't make me feel any less empty than I do now. What if this was our only chance? The only time Klaus and I would ever get along and let this happen? I had just started to trust him and then he just had to wait to tell me that this wasn't the right time... that trust is broken now and it's going to take awhile to rebuild. This could be it for me. I could die before the next opportunity arises, or maybe there will just never be peace and by then I'll be too old or unhappy to consider it... and what if this doesn't even work? Even with wolfsbane and vervain what if this child is just like Hope and is too powerful to be stopped by this? And I know Klaus is going to get really mad if he finds out I actually did take this..."

"Ibeth, the only one who can make this choice is you," Hayley affirmed, rubbing her shoulder. "Don't let anyone influence you. I made my choice back then based on knowing I was already pregnant. You can't be entirely sure at this point but you can assume it is likely in the process. So... you pick whether you want to go through with it or if you want to try and stop it. You're right, it might not work, but we can deal with that if it comes along. Don't think about what Klaus wants, he lost his say when he couldn't do you the courtesy of telling you anything beforehand."

Her mouth trembled, eyes closing tightly as she tried her hardest not to keep crying. "I want a baby," she whimpered. "I had a taste of motherhood these last few months and I want this, I want this so bad, and I thought this could work, I thought that despite everything he would be a good father and I would get to have this beautiful experience but now I don't even know if I should let myself have what I want or if I should do the smart thing and try and stop this so I'm not left to deal with a pregnancy while this prophecy unfolds... whatever it entails."

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