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Steve Rogers:
Alpha locked.

Maria Hill:
Falcon, where are you now?

Sam Wilson:
I had to take a detour!

Sam is flying towards one of the Helicarriers when heat-seeking missiles are shot at him by HYDRA, so he flies back towards the Helicarrier and manages to get the missiles that were aimed at him to hit the Helicarrier giving him entrance

Everyone cheers Sam on after that epic scene. Sam puffs his chest in pride.

Sam Wilson:
Oh, yeah!

Sam flies into the Helicarrier; to Hill

Sam Wilson:
I'm in. Bravo locked.

Sam flies out of the carrier

Maria Hill:
Two down, one to go.

All SHIELD pilots scramble. We're the only air support Captain Rogers has got.

Suddenly Bucky appears and starts firing at the SHIELD pilots and agents killing them all after which he gets into one of the jets and flies off; back inside the building with Regulus, Pierce and the council members

Alexander Pierce:
Disabling the encryption is an executive order, it takes two Alpha Level members.

Don't worry, company's coming.

Just then a helicopter appears outside, lands and Fury steps out to enter the building to Pierce's surprise


Everyone's now getting excited as Fury walks out. Shits going down.

Alexander Pierce:
Did you get my flowers?

Fury looks at him coldly

Alexander Pierce:
I'm glad you're here, Nick.

Nick Fury:
Really? Cause I thought you had me killed.

Alexander Pierce:
You know how the game works.

Nick Fury:
So why make me head of SHIELD?

Alexander Pierce:
Cause you were the best and the most ruthless person I ever met.

Nick Fury:
I did what I did to protect people.

Alexander Pierce:
Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder, war. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that; Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it.

Nick Fury:
No, I have the courage not to.

Fury takes Pierce to the retinal scanner with Regulus pointing his gun at him

SHIELD Computer:
Retinal scanner active.

Alexander Pierce:
You don't you think we wiped your clearance from the system?

Nick Fury:
I know you erased my password, probably deleted my retinal scan, but if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary...

Fury removes his eyepatch to reveal his scarred dead eye

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