Meeting Willow's Parents

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"I swear to the Titan, Hunter they'll love you." Willow was hopelessly trying to calm her boyfriend down as he fussed over every little detail in his appearance.

"Belos killed a past golden guard and his boyfriend because they weren't good enough!"

"Yeah, well, my dads won't kill you. They're normal witches."

"I know..."

Willow put both hands on Hunter's shoulders, forcing him to face her.

"Hunter. They are not going to kill you I swear."

"Okay." Hunter sighed. "Sorry, I get nervous."

Willow kissed the tip of Hunter's nose, standing on her tip-toes to do so. "It's okay. Being in the Emperor's Coven must have sucked. But we're here now, and everything will be fine. I promise."

~~~ time skip brought by Willow's dads being sweet and caring parents ~~~

"Okay, are you ready?" Willow asked.

Hunter took a deep breath. "Yes."

Willow opened the door of the Park's cottage.

"Welcome!" One of Willow's dads greeted them. "Hunter, it's lovely to meet you, Willow has told us a lot about you!"

Willow flushed. "Dad!"

"Thank you, Mr. Park." Hunter said.

"Oh, please call me Gilbert."

Gilbert led the pair into the kitchen, where Willow's other dad was cooking. He gave the pot one final stir before turning to Hunter and Willow.

"Hello Hunter! My name is Harvey, I'm Willow's cooler dad!" The tall, rounder man winked and ginned.

"Nice to meet you!" Hunter smiled nervously.

"Harv, honestly," Gilbert pecked Harvey's cheek. "We all know I'm the cooler one."

"Guys!" Willow groaned. "Could you not?" But she was smiling, and her dads were laughing, and Hunter found himself laughing too. He finally felt at home.

I love the fact that Willow had two dads lol they just seem so cute
Also, two updates in a day! Yay me!

- a very weird author

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