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"Flower, we're going to be late." Willow leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. "What are you-" She trailed off.

Hunter was standing in front of the mirror, but Willow couldn't see exactly what he was doing.

Hunter straightened and flipped around, holding his hands behind his back.

"Oh! Hey! Didn't see you there." He looked nervous, like he'd been caught.

"What are you doing?" Willow asked. She analyzed his face, and noticed that his scars were...gone?

She cupped his face in her hands. "What happened to your scars?"

Hunter flushed. "I-I mean, if we're going on our first official date, and I kinda thought I would cover up my scars."

He showed Willow a tube of concealer.

"That way I'd look better?"

Willow gently removed the tube of concealer from Hunter's hands and set it on the counter.

She grabbed a tissue and began wiping it from Hunter's face until his scars were visible again.

"There you go." She smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.

Hunter grinned sheepishly.

"And by the way," Willow said. "your scars are really hot."

"Movie starts at 8!" She grinned and walked out of the bathroom.

Hunter stared blankly into the empty doorway before the realization hit.


Uh hi :)
thanks for reading
- a very weird author

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