Valentine's Day <3

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"Say it again, but slower this time." Hunter said. The friend group was perched in various positions around the Noceda's living room.

"Val-in-tines Day." Luz said for the fourth time.

"And...what is it?"

"A holiday where, if you have a significant other," Luz glanced at Amity, who blushed. "Or a crush," She shot a pointed look at Hunter and Willow. "You just give them a gift or something."

"Oh." Gus said, scrunching his face up. "But what about me?"

"Well you can give stuff to your friends too. Just be sure to make the distinction."

"Cool!" Gus said. Vee nodded in agreement.

The group disbanded, each going off to brainstorm gift ideas.

Hunter stared blankly at the screen. He had been scrolling through the internet for hours, and nothing had screamed Willow. He sighed. Then something struck him.


Duh. He knew how to sew, and he thought Willow liked his stuff.

What should I make her?

Then he thought of something. How about a dress? He'd seen Willow in them, and she seemed to like them, but since being in the human realm, she hadn't really been able to wear one.

He thought that he could probably scrape together enough to buy fabric.

He constructed a plan.

Step One: Acquire fabric.

Turns out Camila actually had a lot of fabric, including the kind of greens Hunter needed. 

Step Two: Make Dress

He sat hunched over the sewing machine in the basement for hours.

He enlisted Luz to help him figure out the size, and was able to put together a dress that he thought would be perfect.

It was forest green, with a white peter-pan collar and melon sleeves. A white sash would tie around the waist. Sunflowers were embroidered into the hem of the skirt. The sunflowers were slightly wonky, Hunter had done those by hand, and it was difficult, but he was determined.

Step Three: Give dress to Willow

That was the hard one. Valentine's day rolled around, and everyone was exchanging gifts.

While he had focused mainly on Willow's gift, he gave the rest of the group candy, which they all consumed at varying speeds. (Hunter had never known that Gus could swallow half a pound of jelly beans.)

Hunter received a drawing of himself (courtesy of Luz), a homemade card (from Amity), candy (Gus) and from Vee, he got a smiley face keychain.

Hunter had wrapped the dress in tissue paper with daisies on it. He involuntarily blushed when he saw Willow. She was giving out her gifts. She had found a flower for each member of the group, and had enchanted it to not die, so it would remain fresh forever.

For Luz, forget-me-nots. Amity, light purple petunias. Gus received a bee orchid, and Vee, a lily.

After a while, it was just Willow and Hunter who had not yet exchanged gifts. Gus and Vee literally pushed Hunter up the basement stairs and into the living room, Amity and Luz doing likewise for Willow.

The two of them stood awkwardly for a moment, before Hunter decided it was now or never.

"Imadeyouadress." He spat out, holding out his badly-wrapped package.

Willow took it gently from him, and unwrapped the tissue paper. She gasped quietly.


Hunter held his breath. She was probably going to say it was ugly, or that she hated it.

Then he was being hugged.

"It's so pretty!"

Hunter could feel his face heating up. The tips of his ears turned red.

Willow let him go, and dug around in her bag before finding what she was looking for. She quietly handed Hunter a few flowers.

Hunter studied them. He opened his mouth to thank Willow, but she started talking.

"It's a buttercup." She said quickly. "I-I just thought you might like it."

"It's very pretty." He smiled, then sobered.

"What?" Willow asked, her brows creasing.

"I-I-thedresswasagiftlikeinaromanticwayandnotinafriendway." He said quickly.

He was blushing hard, and developed a sudden interest in his socks.

"Oh." Willow said softly.

Hunter began to run though all of the worst-case scenarios in his head. Of course his friends had told him that Willow liked him back, but why would he believe that? They were probably just trying to make him feel better.

"Mine too."

"Huh?" Hunter jerked his head back up.

"Mine's in a romantic way too." Willow said, blushing.

"So, uh, do you want to go out with me?" Hunter asked nervously.

"Yes!" Willow's smile filled Hunter with joy.

They could hear their friends cheering from various hiding places around the house, and when Willow pecked his cheek before walking off, Hunter felt the happiest he thought he'd ever felt.

A long one :D
This was so fun to write honestly
Thank you for 3K reads y'all!
Love you :)
- a very weird author

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