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It started with a smiley face.

Hunter walked up to his locker one day to find a yellow sticky note with a simple smiley face on it. He smiled slightly, plucking it off and tucking it into his pocket.

He glanced around, hoping to spot the person who had planted the note there, but the hallway was empty.

The next day, a new note appeared.

Have a nice day! was written in loopy handwriting on the purple note.

He pulled it off and glanced around. No one.

He tucked it into his pocket.

Each day a new note appeared.

You look great today!

You make me smile

I hope your day is as great as you are!

These notes were written on a variety of colored sticky-notes each time. Hunter began sticking them on the wall behind his bed, until they spread out like a conspiracy theorist's bulletin board.

Soon, the notes turned from simply positive messages to something more.

Falling in love with you is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.

I am so thankful that you are in my life.

You are my sun, stars and sky.

Hunter loved the notes. They made him feel special, made him feel loved.

But there was sadness to them too.

He walked down the hallway, deep in thought.

Hunter didn't know who they were from.

Of course, he knew who he wanted them to be from.

He wanted them to be from Willow.

But there was no way. Willow didn't like him like that. Willow couldn't like him like that, after what he'd done, after finding out who he was.

To stop himself from spiraling, he performed the breathing exercise taught to him by Gus and focused on walking to his locker.

A note, written on a pink sticky note, stuck to his locker.

If you would like to find out who I am, meet me behind the bleachers at 9:00pm.

Hunter blinked.

He did want to find out who was writing the notes.

But what would happen? His heart belonged to Willow, and as cheesy as that sounded, it was true.

He ran over the pros and cons in his head for so long he missed half of his potions class. But his mind was made up, he was going to find out who was writing these notes.

He arrived behind the bleachers twenty-eight minutes late because Alador had been extremely hard to convince to allow Hunter to go out at 9:00pm, then Dauris just had to make Hunter a whole new outfit after throwing everything in the teen's closet on the floor and loudly complaining to Alador that "I swear, this boy owns nothing date-ready" even after Hunter had told him explicitly that this was not a date and that what he had on was perfectly fine.

He raced behind the bleachers, almost tripping in his haste to get there before the note-writer left.

When he skirted around the corner of the bleachers, he skidded to a stop and stared in complete and total awe at the sight in front of him.

Willow sat on a large flower, bathed in moonlight. Her head rested in her hand and she seemed lost in thought, her mossy eyes unfocused.

Hunter gave a very real thought to quietly turning around and booking it back home.

That idea was promptly dismissed when Willow noticed him, and stood up.

"You came! I didn't think you were coming!" She smiled.

Hunter was grateful for the dark. That way, Willow couldn't see the aggressive blush creeping up his face.

"Uhuh." He cringed. That sounded as though he was disappointed that it was Willow. Dang it.

Willow sort of curled into herself, clasping her hands in front of her. "Oh. You don't like me like that, do you? That's alright."

She turned away from him. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"Wait! Willow!" He ran after her, grabbing one of her hands. "I-I do."


"I do like you like that. I-I just didn't expect you to."

Willow grinned. "Good to know."

She pecked him on the cheek and then winced. "Sorry. Was that too forward?"

Hunter, recovering in record time, blinked and shook his head.

"No! No! Th-that was really nice actually. I-uh..."

He flushed and trailed off.

Willow took Hunter's face in her hands. "Can I kiss you right this time?"

737 words :D
I still don't know how to write an ending lol
I hope you enjoy this crap
- a very weird author

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