Chapter 33 - Dare to fail greatly

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I instantly know when Ellie enters the house. I move so I can see her and Knightley through the open living room door. Something is clearly wrong, but I am too far away to hear what they're saying. Ellie is tense and pale.

I want to go to her, but George and my dad are talking about business strategies and insist that I have to listen and learn.

Ellie says something to Knightly, and he shuts up. He watches her as she goes upstairs, then he runs his fingers through his hair. Whatever happened, it looks serious.

Knightley sighs and then he leaves his bags and heads back out. I can't imagine what they would fight about. But my dad is demanding my input and I have to return to the conversation.

By dinnertime, Ellie still hasn't come down from her room. Charlie says she's not feeling well. Knightley returns and puts on a smile for the others.

"What happened with you and Ellie?" I ask as we take our seats. "I saw you fighting."

He shakes his head. "Nothing. I said something stupid, is all."

I try to get more out of him, but he clams up and ignores me.

I never told him about my deal with Ellie. Maybe I should have? Maybe he made a pass at her? Would that have made her angry?

I chew the food, having no idea what it is. So what if Ellie and Knightley are having an affair? The fork is pressing into my hand, and I loosen my grip. No, they're not. I know she isn't into him. She would have told me.

I freeze. Would she? What we have is supposed to be only sex. She's mentioned that several times. But the idea of her with Knightley, or anyone else, is like a knife to the heart.

My mother laughs. George says something funny. There's fish in front of me and Knightley drops a fork when it hits me. I'm in love with Ellie.

I slowly put down my cutlery. I don't know when it happened, but I know it did. Sometime during the last few months, I fell in love with her. Maybe I've always loved her. How do you know? I've never been in love before. Was I supposed to recognize it as it happened?

I thought I loved a few of my previous girlfriends, but it was nothing like this. Within a month, I was always looking for ways out. I've never been with anyone this long and still want to be with them more and more.

I pull a hand through my hair. This is bad. She said no emotion. That was the deal. I wasn't allowed to fall in love. But I'm a Darcy. That has to count for something.

Knightley pokes my arm and I blink. Everyone is looking at me.


"Are you feeling alright?" Charlie asks. "It's not the same thing Ellie has, is it?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. I think maybe I'll go upstairs and rest a bit."

"You do that," my mom says and looks worried.

I force out a smile as I excuse myself.

I'm a Darcy. Anyone would be lucky to be with me. I stand to inherit not only a fortune, but a very profitable company. That has to count for something.

I take a moment outside of her door and hesitate. She's not feeling well and she might be sleeping. But this is important.

I knock.

When it opens, she's pale and her eyes are red.

"I was worried about you," I say.

"I'm fine." She's not looking at me.

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